Engaging & Empowering Learners 3-Day Workshop (On Course I)
An in-depth immersion in empowering learner-centered principles and strategies…our most-requested event
Our most popular professional development event, this is the same event as the highly acclaimed Engaging & Empowering Learners Workshop (On Course I) that has been offered since 1996 at conference centers throughout North America. Testimonials from educators reveal the powerful impact this workshop has had on past participants. While this 3-day workshop presents the same foundational principles as the 1- and 2-day introductory workshops, the strategies presented in this workshop are different and the extended schedule provides an immersion in learner-centered education and cognitive neuroscience that brings about significant changes in the way participants interact with students. Participants leave with dozens of proven strategies that they can implement immediately, and that empower students to overcome numerous challenges to reaching educational goals and overcoming equity gaps.
Additionally, participants are provided a source of hundreds of innovative ways that the workshop strategies have been employed by other educators across the curriculum (from Advising to Zoology and all educational roles in between). Another very positive outcome of the interactive nature of the workshop is the creation of community among participants that lasts long after the event has ended. After the workshop, expect workshop participants to be informed, inspired, and rejuvenated!
ENGAGING & EMPOWERING LEARNERS (*virtual) WORKSHOP AGENDA (*start times for virtual workshops may vary):
8:00-9:15 | SESSION 1: GETTING ON COURSE Identifying the characteristics that distinguish students who are successful in college (and beyond) from those who struggle…and identifying the seven domains of influence available to educators. |
9:15-9:30 | Break |
9:30-11:00 | SESSION 1: GETTING ON COURSE (Continued) Getting students on course to success from their very first day. |
11:00-12:00 | Lunch |
12:00-1:15 | SESSION 2: GREATER PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Strategies for guiding students to take greater responsibility for their education and for the outcomes of their lives. |
1:15-1:30 | Break |
1:30-3:00 | SESSION 3: INCREASED SELF-MOTIVATION Strategies for guiding students to discover intrinsic motivation for academic achievement, thus promoting greater perseverance when they encounter inevitable challenges in college or elsewhere in their lives. |
Day 2 | |
8:00-9:15 | SESSION 4: IMPROVED SELF-MANAGEMENT Strategies for guiding students to make the most of their time, choosing purposeful and persistent actions necessary to stay on course to their goals. |
9:15-9:30 | Break |
9:30-11:00 | SESSION 5: ENHANCED INTERDEPENDENCE Strategies for guiding students to develop the mutually supportive relationships necessary for achieving most of life’s important goals, including success in higher education. |
11:00-12:00 | Lunch |
12:00-1:15 | SESSION 6: HEIGHTENED SELF-AWARENESS Strategies for guiding students to discover and revise limiting beliefs and self-defeating habits, empowering them to make the wise choices necessary to achieve success. |
1:15-1:30 | Break |
1:30-3:00 | SESSION 7: EFFECTIVE LIFE-LONG LEARNING Strategies for guiding students to use critical and creative thinking that lead not only to academic knowledge and skills but also to the wisdom required to create a rich, full life. |
8:00-9:15 | SESSION 8: GREATER EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Strategies for guiding students to manage their strong feelings wisely: replacing emotional, self-defeating choices with mature, well-considered decisions. |
9:15-9:30 | Break |
9:30-11:00 | SESSION 9: INCREASED SELF-BELIEF Strategies for guiding students to develop greater self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-respect, and self-worth, thus greatly expanding the possibilities of what they can achieve in their lives. |
11:00-12:00 | Lunch |
12:00-1:15 | SESSION 10: STAYING ON COURSE In this final session, you will create a personal plan for implementing new educational strategies at your college, strategies designed to empower your students to achieve more of their potential…academic, personal, and professional. |
1:15-1:30 | Break |
1:30-3:00 | SESSION 10: STAYING ON COURSE (continued) |