Hear how On Course has contributed to Asheville-Buncombe Tech CC
“The move to Zoom worked really well and provided me with useful online strategies and tools I will use in future online class environments. All the different opportunities for interaction were really helpful.” – Laurie Bauer, Developmental Reading, UC Blue Ash, OH
That was the longest Zoom session I have participated in, but it was one of the most engaging Zoom sessions I’ve participated in. Jonathan and Carolina did a great job and kept it very interesting and varied the whole way through. – Lesley-Anne Loon, Administrative Assistant III, Cypress College Foundation, CA
“You did a great job. It was interactive, supportive, and there were sufficient breaks that I was able to pay better attention.” – Ruth Benander, English, UC Blue Ash, OH
“Thank you, this has been a fantastic experience that was well worth the time. I will carry it with me in the future.” – Jamie Albert, Assistant Professor, Art and Visual Communication, UC Blue Ash, OH
“I liked the real-time demonstration of how to use the strategies online. This will be very helpful.” – Sue Schlembach, Assistant Professor, Education, UC Blue Ash, OH
“I liked re-thinking some of my current course content. I also liked participating online as that is how I will be teaching in the fall. The workshop gave me a real life experience of what students experience.” – Deb Frame, Professor of Psychology, UC Blue Ash, OH
“The strategies presented here are numerous, practical, and not too difficult to adapt and implement.” – Melinda Greer, Associate Professor of Chemistry, UC Blue Ash, OH
“This was VERY useful and I have many ideas to take back to my classes and apply. I have participated with other OnCourse classes, this being the longer version and having more insight, I think I have much more to take away and participation was helpful – I like this format” – Monica Hennessy, Assistant Professor, Math, UC Blue Ash, OH
“I enjoyed the interactive component. The breakout room activities were particularly beneficial.” – Cassandra Kilzer, Adjunct Professor/English, Cypress College, CA
“It was definitely to “practice what you preach.” It felt a lot more effective than some other workshops I’ve been through. I enjoyed being able to talk things through with colleagues. I also have previously bought Jonathan’s book and I liked this method of going through examples more than just reading.” – Barbara Kramer, Professor of Chemistry, Truman State University, MO
I loved the workshop! Thank you for helping me be a better instructor. – Erika M. Warnick, Faculty, Reading and Education, South Plains College, TX
The On Course I Workshop is an excellent workshop whether you come as a counselor, advisor, administrator, or faculty member. I am going home empowered. I am looking forward to attending the On Course II Workshop and the On Course National Conference next year and facilitating the use of this excellent retention/student success course at my college. – Mary West, Associate Vice President of Instruction, Guilford Technical Community College, NC
What I liked best about the On Course II Workshop was the incredible variety of strategies that are modeled, the community that developed with all members, and the incredible learning process of working through a design team. It was an amazing learning experience. – Deb Olsen, Counselor, Madison Area Technical College, IN
This workshop was absolutely wonderful. The content is right on the money for where we want our college to go… This is most definitely the best workshop I have ever participated in. – Larry G. Bailey, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Jackson State Community College, TN
This workshop was transformational! – Lisa Rocks, Clinical Coordinator and Faculty Development Coordinator, Allegany College of Maryland, MD
This was the best workshop I’ve ever attended in 28 years of teaching. Thank you so much!!!! – Susan King, Faculty, Mathematics, Montgomery College, MD
It is no exaggeration to say this On Course I Workshop experience was transformative–both professionally and personally. This workshop will long remain a high point of my life. Thanks again…. I am feeling energized and eager to start teaching my class next week. I can’t wait to use all of my new teaching tools. I will absolutely recommend this workshop to other educators! – Lee Ann Adams, Reading Specialist & First-Year Seminar Coordinator, Indiana University East, IN
This was the best workshop I have ever attended. Its very nature kept me involved and interested, whereas others, even really good ones, caused diminishing enthusiasm and interest. Everyone with whom I talked at the workshop expressed the same view. – Randy Klein, Faculty, History and English, Neumann University, PA
I am thrilled that I attended. I feel like I’m returning to my institution armed with knowledge/activities/skills to help me be a better instructor/campus leader, and person. The workshop is practical yet profound. – Lesley Rennis, Chair and Faculty, Health Sciences, Borough of Manhattan Community College, NY
The response to your [On Course I] Workshop has been really overwhelming! Those who participated in the workshop are spreading the word here on campus and the “buzz” is on. The VP of Instruction wants you to come back! Her goal is to have more faculty trained. She also wants to attend a workshop herself. Our President told me “On Course needs to be the cornerstone of our success program.” – Sally Sharbaugh, Counselor, South Puget Sound Community College, WA
As a new teacher, I felt like a sponge, absorbing every bit of information I could. Everything we did was immediately applicable to my classes and my students! I would highly recommend this workshop to new teachers so they get started “On Course.” – Carolyn Weyel, Faculty, Student Life and Leadership, Cuesta College, CA
The best educational workshop I’ve attended in 15 years. Excellent presenter, rapid pace, lots of variety. – Robert Patterson, Faculty, Dental Hygiene, Howard College, TX
This was/is the best conference/workshop I have ever attended (I have attended many). This training will impact many students and professionals at our campus in big positive ways. – Sophia Marku, Faculty, Reading, Onandaga Community College, NY
By far, the On Course Workshops (and conference) yield so many more possibilities for energizing and renewing work with students than any others I attend. I’m never disappointed. – Laura Wimberley, Associate Director, Undergrad Studies, Texas A&M University, TX
Absolutely wonderful and transformational workshop. Not only did the experience provide me with an opportunity to make a change/make a difference in the lives of students, but it also provided me the opportunity to grow and learn about myself as an educator and as a person. – Bill Johnson, Student Success Coordinator, University of North Carolina-Greensboro, NC
This has been, without a doubt, the best workshop I have attended during my 35 years of professional life. I wish I had discovered the On Course I Workshop years ago. – Jan Reed, Counselor, First Year Programs, Piedmont Virginia Community College, VA
The On Course I and On Course II Workshops are the best designed and implemented workshops I have ever attended. Magic! I can’t even imagine improvements! – Amy Crouse-Powers, Coordinator of Peer Tutoring, SUNY Oneonta, NY
I got a ton out of this workshop and I’m leaving inspired. – John Fisher, Faculty, English, San Juan College, NM
I enjoyed coming to this workshop as a young educator (I’ve worked in higher education less than 5 years) and I believe I have taken away really valuable lessons to use throughout my career. – Makenna Schluter, Academic Advisor, Minnesota State University Moorhead, MN
This was an amazing experience. I am enriched, and I will take this back to my campus and spread that enrichment. I am going to revise future syllabi to include many of these fun, but amazingly intelligent ways to foster deep learning. – Paula Pack, Academic Programs Specialist, University of Tampa, FL
I can’t thank you enough for the most enlightening workshop experience. I LOVED On Course!!! You are very inspirational, and the perfect model of excellent teaching. I worked on On Course ideas all the way home on the train. I hope to see you soon at On Course II. – Kristin Flynn, Academic Advisor, SUNY Ulster Community College, NY
I have found both On Course Workshops to be thoroughly enjoyable and extremely valuable learning experiences. – Dave Bahrs, Faculty, Mathematics, Montgomery College, MD
In my 15+ years as a professional in the field of digital media and as an educator, I have never participated in a workshop/professional development opportunity that comes anywhere close (not in the same universe) to comparing to On Course with regard to richness, relevance, and professionalism. My only wish is that every faculty member and instructional/student services staff member could participate as well, because the integration of this material in our classes, in our instructional design approaches and in the myriad ways with which we interact with students and each other will not only improve retention, student success in our courses and programs, students chances of getting a good job, but will ultimately make us all–faculty, staff, and students–better humans. That is worth more than we can know. – Constance Humphries, Faculty, Business and Computer Technologies, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, NC
I loved this workshop! Thank you so much for giving me a whole new outlook on working with students and a new perspective of my own life. This was such an amazing experience! Thank you! – Ashley Cundiff, Admission Counselor and UNV101 Instructor, Miami University, OH
This workshop kept me on the edge of my seat for four consecutive days. It has really been an eye-opener for me as an instructor, and also helped me grow as a person. I can’t thank you enough for your commitment to educators and students. – Robert Quinn, Faculty, Mathematics, Jamestown Community College, NY
This workshop has been absolutely one of the best I’ve ever been a part of. I liked how all the information works for my profession. Love the online resources. – Lino Gutierrez, Director, Student Support Services, Heritage University, WA
I am definitely going to recommend this workshop to my colleagues. – James Munger, Faculty, Web Technology, Lake Land College, IL
This is the best workshop on teaching and learning I’ve ever attended. – Sarah Clemmons, Senior Vice-President of Instructional and Student Services, Chipola College, FL
What a wonderful variety of learner-centered activities! I had been feeling drained by being surrounded by a lot of “no” people. After this workshop, I feel reinvigorated to empower my students. – Ziomara Cervantes, SSS TRIO Academic Coach, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, WI
I knew I wanted to help students develop non-cognitive strategies that support their success before I came to this workshop, but now I know HOW to cultivate the development of those strategies. – Christopher Barry, Director, Retention and Student Success, Lincoln Land Community College, IL
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and look forward to attending the On Course II Workshop in the next year. – Tonya Greene, Director, First Year Academy, Wake Technical Community College, NC
This was a really great workshop! Many times I attend trainings and leave with great information but no concrete ideas. I love that I am going back with ideas I will implement right away this fall. – Janet Sundquist, Academic Advisor/Program Coordinator, Minnesota State University Moorhead, MN
This workshop has been perfect for me as a brand new teacher! My toolbox is full, I’ve had a great time meeting my new colleagues, and my vision for the classroom has taken new shapes. I loved how the concepts we discussed using in our classrooms were modeled in the workshop. – Lori Eby, Faculty, Developmental Education, Allegany College of Maryland, MD
This was one of the most influential and informative workshops I have ever been to! I have been reinvigorated and have a new perspective on my approach overall!! – Rob Marchie, Faculty/Program Chair, History, Ocean County College, NJ
I am walking away a changed educator. I have been to many conferences and workshops and have always felt bored or uninterested. That did not happen here. I really liked the hands-on approach. Thanks for all the great insights and strategies. – Danyle Watkins, Coordinator, Early Childhood Education, Lincoln Land Community College, IL
I didn’t think you could exceed the experience of On Course I. However, On Course II built on On Course I in ways that I never could have dreamed of. I experienced another transformation on an even deeper, more personal level. Thank you for the gift of a once-in-a-lifetime experience–again! – Cara Gubbins, Faculty, Biology and Learning Resource Specialist, Butte College, CA
In my 20+ years of teaching and professional development, there have been few workshops and conferences that have meant much to me personally and professionally. This is one of those few. I regard this workshop as one of those landmarks in my career that may end up being a turning point for how I teach and relate to students. Thank you! – Gregory Cutler, Faculty, Psychology and Education, Bay de Noc College, MI
This workshop was a wonderful experience for me both as a teacher and a person. It opened my eyes and thoughts in a very different way. – Shyamala Sivalingam, Faculty, Chemistry, Anne Arundel Community College, MD
A colleague told me that this workshop would change my life, and it’s no exaggeration when I say that it has. I am ready to impact the lives of others in the way that you have impacted my life. – Marni Jones, Learning Specialist/Tutorial Coordinator, Shippensburg University, PA
This was absolutely the best professional development activity I have participated in during my 20+ years as an educator. My new school year starts tomorrow and I am inspired. – Jennifer Allen, Faculty, Criminal Justice, Davidson County Community College, NC
I won the Minnie Stevens Piper Teaching Award at my college this year (Teacher of the Year). I’m convinced that your On Course I Workshop helped me get there. I’ve always loved teaching, but you gave me some tools that helped me be more than intuitive in my contact with students. I appreciate you more than you know. – Nita Drescher, Faculty, Developmental Reading, Brookhaven College, TX
I am very excited to be able to go back to work tomorrow and implement these new strategies. Thank you for your dedication to improving our students academically but also as a whole person. – Kim O’Brien, Retention Specialist, Jefferson Community College, NY
These “soft skills” are the engine of all human growth, and so to omit them from our classes is an enormous, costly and dispiriting error, and so I appreciate how grounded these are in theory and practical application. The humanizing approach re-energizes my sense of purpose as an educator. – Edward Dougherty, Corning Community College, NY
I loved On Course I–Introduction of the skills was so valuable. I treasure On Course II for providing the practical structures and strategies to implement those ideas. Every person I’ve spoken to “gets” why we’re here and you are the best designer and facilitator I’ve ever had the privilege to know and observe. You walk the walk–always. – Joan Luebbe, Counselor, Central Florida Community College, FL
I wish all college employees who work with students could participate in this workshop. The applications are endless! Thank you for giving a great workshop! – Kim Sepich, Vice-President, Student Services and Enrollment Services, Davidson County Community College, NC
All college and university educators should experience this workshop. – Althea Porter, Director, Transitional Studies, Trocaire College, NY
I keep thinking of Walt Whitman who said that he was simmering, simmering, simmering and then Emerson brought him to a boil. Well, I feel the On Course Workshop brought me to a boil — and even way beyond! – Will Shutz, Faculty, English, Northern Virginia Community College, VA
This is the best conference or workshop experience I have ever had. Even all of my graduate courses combined did not give me what I got out of this workshop. – Cindy Green, Academic Advisor, Spaulding University, KY
This workshop was awesome! – Leslie Webb, Faculty, Developmental Integrated Reading and Writing, Blinn College, TX
I loved how this workshop was so personal and experiential…and fun! I really can’t think of anything that could be improved. Than you for being so committed to this goal of empowering people to live better lives. – Laura Fiscus, Director of Developmental Education, Allegany Community College, MD
I’m so eager to put these strategies to work so that students can survive and thrive in college. –Keith Ward, Director, Learning Commons, Corning Community College, NY
Amazing! Wow! We laughed, had fun, were inspired and grew as people and as educators.” – Nancy Chell, Faculty, Mathematics, Anne Arundel Community College, MD
This is the best workshop I have ever attended and the one with the most useable tools for every curriculum topic. The ideas are excellent and the materials are well organized and presented well. I especially liked the way the strategies were used to reinforce our learning of the concepts and our ability to retain and actually apply what we learned. – Carla Harrold, Faculty, Economics, Howard College, TX
I went to an On Course I Workshop in Maryland in 2004, and it helped me more as a teacher and a person than any educational conference I ever attended. Skip Downing is the most motivational and creative educator I have ever encountered. He knows how to get us in touch with ourselves and our students in ways that help us all grow as scholars and as persons. – Gloria Bridges, Faculty, Arkansas State University, AR
I have taken hundreds of workshops over my career. This On Course I Workshop was the best and most amazing workshop I’ve ever taken. – Cindy Fischer, Instructional Specialist, Harford Community College, MD
This is one of the greatest educational workshops I’ve ever attended! – Kimberly R. Todd, Director, Radiography, Jackson State Community College, TN
What I liked best about the workshops? EVERYTHING!! Now I have to bring an On Course I Workshop to PCCC. – Joseph A. Southcott, Associate Dean, College Prep Programs, Pikes Peak Community College, CO
I don’t think there is a workshop that can top this one [On Course I Workshop]–especially with the high level of engagement. – Meghan Erwin, Educational Advisor/Instructor, Developmental Studies, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, PA
I feel energized and inspired to go back to my campus, which is exactly what I needed. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! – Kristin Hall, Academic Advisor, Stony Brook Univesity, NY
Thanks for a great workshop! I got what I came for! – Wendy Sera, Faculty, Biology, Houston Community College, TX
Overall, this workshop has impacted my academic life in ways I can not believe. I have the confidence to take a journey of self-discovery and continue to challenge myself, colleagues, and students. Thank you. – Stanton Reed, Faculty, Business/Accounting, Valencia College, FL
The core of this workshop is so exactly what I/we need–how to facilitate students doing better, students succeeding, retention of students. So pleased w/ depth and variety of take aways – Betsy Stam, Program Director, Medical Transcription and Edition, Everett Community College, WA
Thank you. Thank you. Thank You! I loved On Course II. – Kate Wells, Director, Learning Center, North Country Community College, NY
The facilitators were amazing role models. Thank you for all the tools you have shared with me. – Diana Pinargotte, Manager, Learning Center, Harford Community College, MD
This was my second time taking the On Course I Workshop. If faculty [members] ask about taking it more than once, tell them “It is as meaningful the second time as it was the first.” The content was great, the timing was great, the facilitator was fantabulous. I liked all of it! – Denise Dufek, Faculty, Early Childhood Education, Bay de Noc College, MI
Thank you!!! Before I came to On Course, I was transitioning into a new job. The inner critic in my mind was constantly telling me that I was in over my head and would fail. On Course not only provided me with the tools and strategies to help my students/cohort achieve new heights, but it also provided me with some peace of mind and strategies to defeat my inner critic. I no longer feel like I’m in survival mode. Thank you! – Jonathan Christian-Hodges, Support Services Coordinator, Northeastern Technical College, SC
Great job of keeping people involved. Loved the “buffet” of strategies that allow adaption in a multitude of ways. – Timothy Bunch, Student Success Counselor, Wake Technical Community College, NC
Thank you for an awesome workshop! Each day was filled with interactive and innovative approaches for helping students achieve success. – Pamela Runge, Student Success Specialist, Harford Community College, MD
I feel completely invigorated and excited (for the first time in a few semesters) to teach workshops to all students. – Sheri Yech, Director of Academic Skills Center and Disability Services Coordinator, King’s College, PA
I loved everything. I really enjoyed working in our OCII Design Team to create a practical product. I also found the facilitation tips to be very useful. I will use all of this. The optional evening session was wonderful. It is so inspiring and motivating to be able to get together with other like-minded professionals. It really feeds me. – Leslie Wilson, Director, Learning Services, Chestnut Hill College, PA
[On a scale of 1-10] this workshop is above a 10. What I liked best is how much it engaged me. (I am a bad, bad, student, consistently checking my email, on my phone…but I didn’t in this workshop.) Now I just need to mimic this and get my students as engaged as I was. – Martin McClinton, Vice Provost and Faculty, Chemistry, Brevard Community College, FL
OMG! I can’t imagine any way to improve on this workshop. The content was wonderful, the preparation and organization on target. This has been one of the most powerful experiences of my life both personally and professionally. Thank you! – Carolyn Kirby, Student Services Specialist, Bluefield State College, WV
You modeled perfectly active, learner-centered strategies with us. A few months ago I went to an active learning conference where presenters lectured strategies to us. Thank you for teaching and demonstrating the process as well as the content. Thanks also for having the courage to follow your dream and share it with others. – Catherine Iannello, Coordinator/Faculty, Human Services, Jamestown Community College, NY
This was the most beneficial workshop I have ever attended. –Susan Hoobler, Faculty, Early Childhood/Professional Studies, Corning Community College, MD
Thank you for a wonderful, empowering experience. I feel in the last 4 days I’ve grown as a professional and as a person. My head and heart are full and overflowing! – Kayleen Herman, Academic Advisor, Columbia Gorge Community College, OR
The purpose of this workshop was clearly stated and met all of my expectations. I feel so much more prepared to empower my students to become active, responsible learners. I received many tools to help them learn more deeply. Thank you! Thank you! – Hwajin Olson, Faculty, ESL, Madison Area Technical College, WI
This OCII workshop was designed and facilitated perfectly to meet my every need. To the point, on task, minimal distractions, and enough time for play. I will use the design process we learned to redesign my instructional guide to use with new instructors who will be teaching this fall in my program. Thanks, Skip, for becoming a true leader to guide us in this most challenging endeavor of helping students succeed. Gracias! – Ricardo Diaz, Counselor/Coordinator, Chaffey College, CA
I just flat-out enjoyed this workshop! I originally thought it would be helpful, but it went way beyond my expectations. The facilitator absolutely rocked! – Charlie Walling, Faculty, Business Computer Technologies, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, NC
Great tools for teaching. Great tools for personal development. This is the best professional development activity I’ve ever done! – Tom Zimmerman, Faculty, English, Washtenaw Community College, MI
This workshop was a demonstration of the best teaching I have ever witnessed. I saw so many excellent practices, but I most valued the positive, realistic, non-judgmental dialogue between [the facilitator] and students. The group bonding created an extremely effective place to share and learn. I am already a better teacher for having been here! – Carole Cayer, Faculty, Nursing, Jacksonville University, FL
This is my second time taking the On Course I Workshop. I first took it in August, 2003. For the 2003-04 year, I won an “Excellence in Teaching” award. My office mate took this workshop in June 2006, and she won the “Excellence in Teaching” award for 2006-07. I think there is a causal relationship at play here! – Mary Lou Ng, Faculty, Mathematics, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Alberta, CN
I am enriched and empowered as an educator and a person by OCII. I have a renewed belief in what we can accomplish as facilitators in the lives of our students and in our own lives. – Sue Palmer, Faculty, English & College-Wide Coordinator, Success Strategies, Brevard Community College, FL
Thank you so much for renewing my childhood passion to be a “life changer” for others! – Burt Chang, Faculty, Administration of Justice, Honolulu Community College, HI
This is the best and most useful workshop I’ve ever attended. What a difference it has made in my perspective–and I predict–in my teaching! – Margo Butler, Faculty, English, Broward College, FL
One of the best professional development events I have ever attended. – Sally Olson, Faculty, Mathematics, Blinn College, TX
I love how interactive the workshop is. The information is extremely interesting and stimulated great discussions. I have compiled 22 strategies that I will use with my students, and I’m excited about all the additional strategies within the workshop book. I am leaving this workshop energized and more self-aware in my role as an educator. – Nicole Williams, Faculty, Human Services, Anne Arundel Community College, MD
I will definitely be a better teacher because of this workshop. Thank you!! – Lisa Greene, Faculty, Math, Nassau Community College, NY
I can’t wait to get started! Every instructor in our institution should be required to attend this workshop. – Robin Keith, Chairperson, Surgical Technology, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, NC
I would not have been as confident or prepared to teach in the fall had I not attended the On Course II Workshop. – Hylie Santos, Counselor, Student Success, Windward Community College, HI
The variety and number of strategies to use and adapt that were offered so generously was wonderful. [The facilitator] kept us moving, engaged, and interacting with each other throughout the entire workshop. – Jenney Izzo, Director, TRIO Student Support Services, Vermont Community College, VT
This was a delightful professional development activity that rejuvenated and inspired me. I am chomping at the bit to employ these strategies in all of my courses. What’s more, I’m committed to spreading the good word about On Course throughout our campus. – Daniel Bahner, Faculty and Co-Chair, Professional Development Committee, Crafton Hills College, CA
This workshop is, without a doubt, the most valuable one I have ever attended in my 15 years as an educator. I am empowered as never before to help my students become better learners and to help myself become a better, more complete, person. – Lori Rawleigh, Faculty, Reading, Germanna Community College, VA
Frankly, this was the best workshop I have attended in a decade or more… if not ever! Great Job! – Thomas Warstler, Faculty, Geography, Bay de Noc College, MI
I appreciate the modeling and the ability to work with/collaborate with faculty from outside of my discipline. I love the active nature of this workshop, as I was always engaged and excited. – Kelli Keltz, Associate Department Head, English, Wake Technical Community College, NC
The time just flew by…(great flow). I learned so much and I actually have a plan of action and the intent to follow through with. Thank you for the excellent tools and modeling of so many strategies! – Heather Wesp, Faculty, Biology, Montcalm Community College, MI
What I liked best about the workshop is how interactive it is. Unlike other workshops, I actually have strategies that I can implement immediately in my classroom. – Sara Lello Sheppard, Faculty, CLAS, University of Maine, ME
I was blown away by the outcome of our OCII design group. – Silver Calzada, Counselor, Mount San Antonio College, CA
This is the best workshop I’ve ever attended. – Sara Webb, Coordinator, New Student Programs, Oakland University, MI
You will never know how much I enjoyed the On Course Workshop. It was a life changing experience for me. I was so excited to come home and teach my students what I learned. You will be pleased to know I teach your material with GREAT PASSION. It is great to see students excited to learn! Many thanks. – Debbie Douglas, Faculty, Human Development & Coordinator, Student Life and Leadership, College of the Sequoias, CA
Thank you for a great workshop! I’m feeling motivated to adapt these ideas to help my students succeed! – Amy Rine Wake, Faculty, Nursing, Jackson State Community College, TN
Great information – Great experience – Great job! – Pete Gochis, Advisor, Highland Community College, KS
I loved the workshop! Thank you for helping me be a better instructors – Erika M. Warnick, Faculty, Reading and Education, South Plains College, TX
As an achievement coach at my college, I received a week of training on coaching, but I received more information and tools in this workshop. The activities will really improve the work that I do. – Michelle Renteria, Distance Learning Achievement Coach, Central New Mexico Community College, NM
The On Course concepts are truly “inspired.” They are needed in community college because they offer the solution to the major problems that community colleges and their students face. – Gail Hartzog, Associate Dean of Institutional Development and Planning, Chipola College, FL
This workshop was incredibly valuable in how it provides a foundation in strategies that can be applied in a wide variety of jobs in higher education. – Tana Didelot, Academic Advisor, Miami University, OH
I loved everything! I felt exposed to so many OCII tools that I will now commit the time to “process” daily for 30 minutes. Thank you so much!! I look forward to creating nursing exercises, and I am so excited about the possibilities! – Nancy Schneider, Faculty, Nursing, College of the Sequoias, CA
This is, without a doubt, the best workshop I have ever attended. – Jane Lowe-Webster, Counselor, Bellingham Technical College, WA
This workshop has helped me to know/learn more about myself both personally and as an educator than any I have ever taken. I am excited to take/participate in additional training/classes/workshops. I called our Vice-President of Instruction and told her 1) everyone at our campus needs to do this workshop so that 2) our college becomes an “On Course” college! – Catherine Pace-Pequeno, Faculty, Computer and Information Technology, Crafton Hills College, CA
I truly enjoyed my masters and the content I learned, but it did not necessarily transform me into an amazing educator with the potential to change students’ lives. This workshop and our “next steps” will do that. – Ashely Dively, Coordinator, Developmental Education, Allegany Community College, MD
I had specific, high expectations. They were all met or exceeded. – Joel Brouwer, Faculty, English, Montcalm Community College, MI
Before attending this workshop I was excited to attend. Now I want my colleagues to attend. On a scale of 1 to 10, I score this workshop a 15. – Lisa Flowers-Clements, Coordinator, Developmental Education, West Virginia University-Parkersburg, WV
I came to the OCII workshop seeking knowledge/strategies for my students and my professional life—but I leave with an even more important vision of how to apply all these principles to my life! – Annette Cable, Counselor, Upward Bound, Berea College, KY
The workshop was very inspiring and benficial. I was never once bored. – Velma Cotton, TRIO Program, Medaille College, NY
This is, without a doubt the most learner-centered workshop I have ever attended in my 25+ years of teaching. Every teacher I know would benefit, in some manner, from attending this workshop. Not only is the content relevant to our students, I received some personal satisfaction for how to proceed in some life decisions. Fabulous! – Ross Rueger, Chair and Faculty, Mathematics, College of the Sequoias, CA
I have been to more workshops than I can count in my 35 years in education and [the facilitator] is HANDS DOWN the best I have ever seen!!! Also one of the best workshops I have ever attended. – Elizabeth Phelps, Faculty, Reading, San Juan College, NM
This workshop will transform my personal and professional life. I now feel I have the skills, resources, and support system to create courses that are truly learner-centered. I felt like one of many co-creators of the workshop. It was the most valuable workshop I’ve ever attended. – Carolyn Barr, Faculty, English, Broward College, FL
I appreciate how you provide the safety for us to really explore the issues that keep us from becoming alive inside! Your gift to create and nourish an experiential environment is awesome. After completing On Course I and On Course II, I’m more focused to push to have an On Course not just as a workshop for my students but also as a class for credit. – Gina Roebuck, Eastern Arizona College, AZ
All educators should receive this training. If we could get our entire educational system to recognize the benefit and value of empowering students as taught in this workshop, we would have an awesome educational system in America. – Joan Williams, Counselor, University of North Alabama, AL
I am fully motivated to incorporate On Course into my work and personal life. Having now taken both On Course I and On Course II, I think there should be an On Course III. – Timothy Stanfield, Supplemental Instruction Coordinator, William Paterson University, NJ
This workshop was great. Best ever in terms of practical, useful strategies with a good understanding of why they would work. I have been looking for this content forever. I loved that methods and theory are together. Too often they are taught/introduced in isolation. – Kirsten Casey, Chair, Physical Sciences, Anne Arundel Community College, MD
Thank you very much! Now I have the confidence and the tools to become a better instructor for myself and my students. – Darcy Roy, Faculty, Health Science, Eastern Florida State College, FL
I have been given an abundance of techniques/strategies/activities that I can implement to help student succeed to their fullest potential. Thank you for this insightful experience. – Alyssa Zinzi, Academic Success Coach – TRIO, Dutchess Community College, NY
I have never attended a workshop where everyone was encouraged to actively participate so much. At first I was outside my comfort zone. Then it became my comfort zone. – Frank Owens, Director, Criminal Justice, Cowley College, KS
Thank you so much for this beautifully put together workshop. I’ve learned more than I ever expected about myself and ways to challenge and inspire my students and their growth. – Terre’ Thomas, Academic Coach, Montgomery College, MD
I am leaving full of passion for teaching and inspired to help my students grow. – Melissa Rossi, Faculty Development Coordinator & Faculty, Math, Southwestern Illinois College, IL
This workshop is an experience I’ll never forget. I look forward to using On Course for the rest of my career as an educator/coach. – Earl Schumake, Director of Student Success, Concordia University, MI
The pace and organization of activities was amazing. I never felt bored. Camaraderie among participants was great, and it was nice that we got to meet almost everyone – Dana Vazzana, Director, Faculty Development and Faculty, Math, Truman State University, MO
I hate going to workshops that are more motivational than applicable. What I loved most was that this workshop was both! My mind is swimming with ideas on what to do next, so I can’t imagine improving the workshop. – Meredith Weber, Assistant Director of the Academic Achievement Center, Seton Hill University, PA
What I liked best was how the material is presented and makes you learn in a way I hadn’t known was possible. – Amy Roney, Faculty, Cosmetology, Cowley College, KS
This workshop was wonderful. I had no idea what to expect. I’m excited to implement what I learned and to see transformations in my students. – Felicia Zammit-McMann, Academic Success Coach -TRIO, Dutchess Community College, NY
Everything was awesome! Outstanding ideas to impact our students. – Julie Ostrowski, Faculty, Radiology & Faculty Development, Southwestern Illinois Community College, IL
Another energizing, renewing experience (OCII) that made me rethink how I work and live. – Mark Braley, Chairperson, English, USAF Academy Prep School, CO
This workshop has profoundly influenced my thinking about education. – Susan McCullum, Faculty, Science, Chattahoochee Valley Community College, AL
This On Course II Workshop was the single best workshop I’ve ever attended. – Paul Folger, Faculty, Political Science, Heartland Community College, IL
This is the only workshop/seminar/conference which met all of my expectations AND provided me with personal and professional renewal! Thank you! – Sondra Bergen, Faculty, English, College of the Sequoias, CA
Best workshop I ever attended! Thanks for a wonderful and incredibly moving experience. You kept us on task and on time, and all of your activities had a natural flow to them that encouraged learning and reflection to come to the surface for us as participants. Thanks for being the catalyst for all of this enlightenment and awareness. What you are doing is invaluable for us as educators and our students. – Phil Sienna, Faculty, Health and Physical Education Mission College, CA
I can’t think of anything I would change. It was a great experience–time flew by–I was very engaged in the material. I’m so glad I decided to follow up with On Course II. – Kelley Kepler, Faculty, Communications, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, WI
[The facilitator] effectively demonstrated such a seamless flow of activities, modeling so well how students (we) will rise to the level of your expectations…. It is a pleasure and a privilege to have been a part of On Course. – Laura Gomez, Professor, Counseling, San Bernardino Valley College, CA
This was a fantastic workshop. As a trainer myself, I learned new techniquest that can be used in most, if not all aspects, for Training and Development. – Chris Singh, Student Leadership Specialist, LaGuardia Community College, NY
Thank you for inspiring my teaching. – Jenica Drehmer
I leave this workshop a far better teacher and person! – Mimi Folk, Faculty, Developmental Reading and Student Success, Florida State College at Jacksonville, FL
The thing I liked best about the workshop (aside from the valuable content) was the way it was presented. [The facilitator] really did walk the walk. It was very interactive and certainly represented best practice methods. – Greg Perkins, Learning Specialist, Unity College, ME
Good balance between instruction and experiential activities. The other participants were great and a sharing atmosphere was evident. The facilitator was excellent. This is the best workshop I’ve ever attended. – Cindy Johnson, Faculty, Strategies for College Success, Palm Beach Community College FL
This workshop should be a requirement for all faculty to attend in their first year. – Nagash Clarke, Faculty, Chemistry, Washtenaw Community College, MI
This workshop exceeded every expectation I had. I came looking for some new strategies to implement into my classroom and am walking away not only with those strategies but also new strategies to incorporate into my own life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have touched my life and I am better for it. – Monica Porter, Coordinator, Speech-Language pathology Assistant Program, Santa Ana College, CA
Best workshop I ever attended! Real application. It was great! – Andy Thomas, TRIO Director, University of South Carolina, SC
Just when I was thinking I was out of good ideas, energy for team meetings, enthusiasm for teaching and general good will for education, I thought, “Why don’t I go to the On Course II Workshop?” Baby–now I’m back! And off I go ready to rock and roll again! – Gretchen Boose, Retention Coordinator, Northwest State Community College, OH
Thanks to you, I’m a changed woman. I came into the workshop as a skeptic and left with a renewed feeling of empowerment. I wasn’t prepared for this. You’ve seriously changed me for the better! The workshop has given me so many jewels which I intend to share with my colleagues and students!! – Maria Parnell, Faculty, Speech and Student Success, Brevard Community College, FL
This was one of the best experiences I have ever had as an educator. I am so inspired to go back and teach the On Course strategies. I will encourage colleagues to attend future On Course Workshops. – Jennifer Kohnke, Faculty, Psychology, Harper College, IL
I give this workshop a 10 and I rarely give 10’s! It was great. – Elizabeth Spear, Assistant Director, The Learning Center, Central Connecticut State University, CT
The workshop was laid out perfectly and in the right size chunks to take it in. As for specific strategies I will use or adapt, too many to list. All of the strategies have a use in most areas I work with. I can’t wait to try them out. – Mona Zaoudeha, Director, Math & Science Resource Center, Temple University, PA
This is the best conference/workshop I have ever been to and I can’t wait to implement the ideas. – Beth Kurtz, Coordinator, Academic Success Center, Simpson University, CA
On Course was a reaffirming, energizing and educational experience. I’ve never been to a better workshop. – Bill Elliott, Career Counselor, Harford Community College, MD
Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to learn specific OCII strategies I can use immediately to help my teaching become more learner-centered. I will design my lessons with the Learner-Centered grid to include some sort of activity every class period. – Lory Conrad, College Preparatory, University of Arkansas–Fort Smith, AR
This workshop is truly life changing. It will really improve the way I interact with my students. – Maren Benn, Faculty, Foreign Languages, Eastern Michigan University, MI
Every person who works in education should be required to do this workshop. – Bryan McCullough, Academic Advisor, Davidson County Community College, NC
I’ve gone to a lot of workshops. This is by far the most consistently well thought out and implemented workshop I’ve ever attended. You taught me ways that will successfully help me achieve what I want to be as an educator. You clearly practice what you teach. – Susan Corbin, Faculty, English, El Camino College, CA
What a wonderful learning opportunity this was for me. I am excited to share the new strategies I have learned with faculty, students, and colleagues. I have not just learned tools to help students but also tools to help me personally and professionally. – Jamie Holmes-Kriger, Advising Services Coordinator, Salisbury University, MD
I have a greater personal and professional clarity and motivation as a result of this workshop. – Marjorie Contenti, Faculty Development Facilitator, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary, CN
I don’t think I have ever learned as much about myself and my students as I did in this workshop. – Elizabeth Gabbard, Faculty, Physical Sciences, Anne Arundel Community College, MD
I really appreciate the OCII demonstration of learner-centered strategies. Now I truly understand the difference between “teacher-centered” and “learner-centered” classes. Now that I have a great toolbox of strategies, I will try one or two at a time. I expect my students’ learning to improve dramatically. – Wei Li, Faculty, English, Lone Star College–North Harris, TX
After taking this workshop, I should take personal responsibility for not being able to sleep last night, but I choose to blame you and this exhilarating workshop where I was brimming with ideas to implement for others, but more importantly and more surprisingly commitment to personal goals I hadn’t realized I desired!! – Lisa Cooper, Faculty, Communications/QEP Director, Nash Community College, NC
I came to this workshop knowing it would be outstanding and you exceeded my expectations! My cup is running over and I am anxious to take this overflowing cup back to Kansas and share its precious contents. Thank you for this wonderful experience! – Don Krebs, Director of Student Success/Career Services, Tabor College, KS
I loved coming away with real activities that I can immediately implement into my classes without a lot more preparation…because I already did it here in the workshop. – Hillary Johnston, Faculty, Math, Brevard Community College, FL
The information in this workshop is invaluable. I cannot articulate in words how appreciative I am of you for sharing your insight and wisdom with us so we can help students operate at their full potential. In a way, this work shop was a renewal of faith (if that makes sense), and I admire your optimism, expertise, and willingness to work with all people. Thank you again for a remarkable experience. Kudos! – Aniesha K. Mitchell, Retention Coordinator, Oakland University, MI
Highly interactive. A variety of experiences. I learned some (more!) things about myself (things I need to work on). For that, I’m grateful. The OCII workshop’s phenomenal. – Janet Quinlan, Faculty, Human Development, Sierra College, CA
Skip, you are my hero. You modeled to me the possibilities in front of me. Your ideal image and what you have created have inspired me to play big and be loud! – Karen Ball, Director of Learning Support Services, Edgewoood College, WI
Fabulous workshop! Thanks for putting me back “On Course” in my own life and professional life. – Barbara Burrows, Academic Achievement Coach, Central New Mexico Community College, NM
Excellent pacing and material. All activities were pertinent, interesting, and applicable. The workshop had more of an atmosphere of a community rather than a “training session.” – Ken Zajac, Faculty, First Year Experience, University of Wyoming, WY
I loved everything about this workshop. I have been looking forward to participating in On Course, and it was even better than I expected. I wish everyone could have this experience, so I am sending all of my staff to future On Course Workshops. – Barbara Brodsky, Director, TRIO, Bellevue Community College, WA
The workshop was a wonderful and empowering experience. I’m excited to utilize the strategies with my students and myself. – Tammy Prater, Faculty, History, Jackson State Community College, TN
This was a profound experience and by far the most useful workshop I’ve ever attended. By comparison, all other conferences have not even reached the starting gate. – Jill Tress, Learning Skills Specialist, Carlow University, PA
This workshop really showed me, by example, how to implement learner-centered techniques. I have already been moving away from all lecture math classes and this experience has expanded my choice of strategies 10 fold. – Jacqueline Faris, Faculty, Mathematics, Modesto Junior College, CA
I signed up for this workshop because after more than 20 years of teaching I began to feel burned out and ineffective this year. I felt a real need to inject something new into my teaching to make it fun again for me and my students. I can hardly wait to get back to it now! – Hugh Read, Faculty, Writing, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, CN
This was the most relevant, practical, I’ll-use-in-the-real-world workshop I’ve ever attended/participated in. I can’t think of any way the workshop could be improved. – Connie Dearmin, Faculty, Humanities, Brevard Community College, FL
This workshop is so well thought out. It has obviously been developed through years of practice and research. Three days flew by so quickly. I am now better armed with strategies to empower students to make wise choices and be more successful in college. – Miha Wood, Faculty, History, Allegany College of Maryland, MD
This workshop has been the most interesting and helpful workshop I have ever attended. – Ana Sawyer, Faculty, Spanish, San Juan College, NM
Thanks for a many-layered OCII experience. Very powerful and empowering. Thanks! – Dick Harrington, Faculty, English, Piedmont Virginia Community College, VA
This has been the best workshop I’ve ever attended. I enjoyed every minute of it and learned many new strategies to apply to my own life as well as to use professionally. – Renee Kilmer, Dean, Languages and Humanities, Southwestern College, CA
This has been the most powerful, intense and productive workshop I have ever attended in my life for both personal and professional development. This is the answer to all our questions regarding the necessary strategies to empower our students, our trainers, and our training managers. This workshop is exactly what the Navy training enterprise needs to ensure we maximize student success-learning and to arm our trainers with the strategies to ensure our students will be successful. It is a must for all at CNL and beyond. I WILL DO WHATEVER I HAVE TO DO TO ENSURE THESE STRATEGIES ARE EMBRACED THROUGH IDC AND THE MTS PROGRAM. I am an On-Course disciple/ambassador and so is everyone else that attended this workshop. It is, without a doubt, the most powerful educational experience we can give our teachers and managers, and, therefore, our students. I may even be understating the passion I feel about this. – H.C. Duke Boutwell, Lead Instructor, Center for Naval Leadership, VA
Best workshop I’ve ever been to!! – Sharon Jacas, Academic Counselor, Fashion Institute of Technology, NY
After this workshop, I feel renewed as an educator and that my “tired, wearisome self” has been retired and replaced by an enthusiastic, energetic educator! – Sandra Hays, Faculty, English, Milwaukee Area Technical College, WI
This workshop has been the most profound educational experience I have ever had. You clearly practice what you preach; then you give us the tools and training to dramatically affect the lives of our students and ourselves. The key factor for me was that you created an atmosphere in which I became personally responsible for my outcomes, something I have tried to do with my own students without success. – Gail Klein, Student Services Coordinator, University of Alaska Southeast, AK
The OCII concept of empowering students has changed my teaching and my life. I am committed to spreading On Course across the Glendale College campus. – Nancy Phillips, Faculty, Reading, Glendale College, CA
Brilliant! This is stuff I can really use! – Candyee Sweet, Faculty, English, Jackson State Community College, TN
The presentation modeled the On Course principles at all times. This workshop convinced me experientially that study skills don’t/won’t stick unless soft skills are in place. Thank you for this amazing journey through self-discovery and awareness. Any student I encounter from this point forward will experience a more effective instructor. – Kris Chatas, Chair, Mathematics, Washtenaw Community College, MI
I have not only a tool belt but a whole tool chest full of new strategies/tools to use in the classroom. Theory is great, but I prefer the teaching strategies approach to this workshop. – Amy Christensen, Faculty, Developmental English, Central New Mexico Community College, NM
I feel considerably more committed to my path as a teacher/counselor as a result of your workshop. Thank you. – Will Dowd, Faculty, Career Education Options, Shoreline Community College, WA
I have deep respect, appreciation, and gratitude for all you have taught me in this workshop. The impact is incredible. I had no idea when I signed up that I would take away so much that would directly apply to my students and to me. It far exceeded my expectations. Bless you! – Lisa Marks, Faculty, English, Ozarks Technical Community College, MO
Everything in this workshop makes sense and I can see how it empowers us as teachers striving to be the best for our students’ success. This “On Course” class would benefit any and all students. I’m ready for my new students and their successes! – Charmaine Kuczmarski, Faculty, English Milwaukee Area Technical College, WI
Thank you! I’ve not only grown as an educator, but as a human being. I’ve discovered new strengths and strategies. I also know without a doubt that I will achieve my goals thanks to this course! – Joel Rivero, Faculty, Medical Laboratory Technology, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Alberta, CN
This was an awesome workshop–so much more than I EVER expected. I received so many tools, ideas, etc. to take back and use. The facilitation was great. I am excited! – Renee’ Spence, Faculty, Administrative Office Technology, Bainbridge College, GA
Wow! Thank you so much. The value of this workshop is greater than anything else I have ever experienced. There is so much value in this workshop it is impossible for me to put into words everything I liked. – Mary Breach, Academic Advisor for Students at Risk, Boise State University, ID
What I liked best about the workshop is that we had an opportunity to think about, question, apply, and reflect on the concepts and strategies presented. REAL LEARNING! – Joel Levine, Dean, Languages and Humanities, Southwestern College, CA
I so appreciate this work and the commitment of you, Skip, and the people you bring together. This workshop has given me a new outlook on my higher ed career. – Carole Anne Broad, Advisor, University of Minnesota, MN
The application of the strategies to teach content was extremely well done. I have no suggestions for improvement. You have this down. –Brenda Gustin, Faculty, Science/STEM, Corning Community College
Thank you for this gift! I have been very inspired and have at least three things to implement immediately. – Bonnie Lasher Kimmel, Assistant Director of Advising for Retention, Completion and New Student Initiatives, Anne Arundel Community College, MD
Thanks for all of the ideas ready to be implemented into my classes. I don’t know how the workshop could run any smoother than you ran it. Thanks for this experience. I learned a lot about teaching, but even more about life! – Chad Detjen, Peer Mentoring Coordinator, Southern New Hampshire University, NH
The workshop was amazing! I will advise my son (who is a freshman) to take the On Course class at our college in the Fall. – Jill Beauchamp, Faculty, Culinary and Hospitality Management, Washtenaw Community College, MI
For the first time after a professional development event, I really have many things I can use in my class and in my life. I’ve been teaching for about 10 years, and I have always been student centered and committed to improving not just my students’ skills but also their self-efficacy. You have helped me find a method to match that commitment. Thanks. – Amiee Stahlman, Faculty, English, University of New Mexico-Valencia, NM
This was a wonderful OCII experience. I feel revived as an educator and learner. – Michael Murphy, Chair, Developmental Math, Guilford Technical Community College, NC
After participating in this workshop, I feel inspired and energized to expand the way I do my work…a refreshing and very useful experience! – Sher Hruska, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Northwest College, WY
Sincerely, this has been the most exciting and relevant experience on the topic of learner-centered strategies to help students improve their capacity to learn! There are literally dozens of strategies that I will incorporate into the 4 “preps” that I teach, as well as application for my counseling practice. I can’t think of how to improve this workshop. I would just like more! Thank you! – Fred Wieck, Counselor Paradise Valley Community College, AZ
This workshop has been all I anticipated and more; it’s been life changing. – Laura Powell, Faculty, Developmental Reading, Danville Community College, VA
Thank you for this life changing experience. – Bill Anderson, SSS Advisor, University of Wyoming, WY
Since first attending one of the summer retreats in 1997, I’ve held nine full On Course staff development trainings for our college, and I plan to offer more. They are invaluable! I strongly recommend this workshop for all faculty, counselors, advisors, administrators, and support staff. – Philip Rodriquez, Director, Student Affairs, Cerritos College, CA
The information and methods presented in this workshop greatly helped to motivate me to become a better professor. – Regina Knight-Mason, Faculty, Biology, Virgina State University, VA
This workshop gave me fantastic strategies to incorporate immediately into my classroom. I am excited to teach again! – Kesa Hopkins, Faculty, Dental Hygiene, Southwestern College, CA
Like On Course I, this OCII workshop has been one of the most rewarding professional development workshops of my life. – Amoena B. Norcross, Faculty, English, Tri-County Technical College, SC
I have identified 11-12 strategies that I can use either in the classroom, with individual students, or in my personal life. I have never, I mean never, experienced anything quite like this workshop. – Cole Jordan, Counseling and Career Planning, Washtenaw Community College, MI
This workshop was a very meaningful experience for me, both professionally and personally. I was never bored for a second. I felt connected, engaged, and intrigued throughout. It was a wonderful combination of transformational learning and access to specific, highly useful strategies that I will use over and over again. – Jennifer Levy, Director Counseling & Career Services, University of Tennessee-Martin, TN
This workshop was excellent and greatly exceeded my expectations. I am excited and motivated to use On Course in my professional and personal life. – Elizabeth Tucker, Central New Mexico Community College, NM
This On Course II Workshop was well organized, full of content, excellent examples, and fun…This is where you would hear the cheers and applause of the crowd. Keep doing what you are doing! – Linda Lambert, Faculty, Business, Heartland Community College, IL
Thank you! I was a bit skeptical (kind of an “I’ve heard this all before” attitude because of the nature of my role at N.A.I.T.), but I learned new things and developed some great new ideas. I got genuine take-aways for my own role. – Alison Wynne, Teaching and Learning Specialist, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Alberta, CN
Thank you for a life-altering experience! – Carmella Bartimole, Counselor, Jamestown Community College, NY
Thanks for a wonderful experience. This was the best workshop I’ve been to in the last 10 years, maybe ever. I certainly got more good ideas that I can use/adapt from it than from any other workshop I’ve ever attended. I know that my students and I will benefit from my time here. Thanks!…I had fallen into a state of academic inertia feeling that nothing I tried did any good so I stopped trying new things. I got so many ideas at this workshop and I am excited about using them. – George Kraus, Faculty Chemistry, College of Southern Maryland, MD
Thank you. This was one of the most worthwhile workshops I have been to. – Tim Grosse, Chair, Mathematics, Jefferson Community College, NY
Loved it! I gained so much. Great ideas and OCII strategies, but also self-reflection and self-discovery. – Julie Rock, Faculty, Nursing, Milwaukee Area Technical College, WI
This is the most practical workshop that I have ever attended. You are really committed to seeing that everyone leaves the workshop with ideas that they can use at work immediately. This is my second time taking this workshop. I’ve been teaching since 1974 and after implementing some of your “On Course” strategies last time, I received my best course evaluations ever. – Blanche Henry, Program Head, Business, Lakeland College, Alberta, CN
I feel totally recharged! – Gregory Ochoa, Director, Academic Success Program, Shippensburg University, PA
Wow! Where do I begin? I can’t wait to use the strategies/exercises with my students. The only way to make this workshop better is to make it LONGER! I don’t want to leave and wish we had another week to explore more and delve deeper! – Cami Eastep, Retention Specialist (TRIO SSS) Walla Walla Community College, WA
I tell people all the time your workshop was without a doubt the best I have ever attended in all of my years of professional practice. – Loma Hopkins, Counselor, Saddleback College, CA
This workshop has equipped me with Power Tools! to do the best that I can with what I have to work with. I plan on building our students up with the tools that I’ve acquired from On Course. Bravo! – Karen Stills-Jones, School Alliance Coordinator, El Centro College, TX
I want you to know how much I appreciate re-learning the value of empowerment. It is as important for teachers as it is for students. To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure that this workshop could be improved in any way. – Travis Seaman, Faculty, Bow Valley College, CN
You and this workshop are a great positive force in the world! I was starting to think that there really was nothing one person could do to change the world but because of this experience I now know there is and I intend to help you. – Heidi Neu, Faculty, Academic Strategies, El Camino College, CA
Great OCII workshop! I really learned lots of new tools to take back to my campus. – Jackie Hoppe, Title V Case Manager, Clovis Community College, NM
Exquisitely presented workshop! There is so much good information with a perfect balance of delivery, pacing, and content. You have given me so much to think about and to do! This experience has been incredibly energizing, and I am facing the beginning of the semester with considerable enthusiasm! – Joni Jordan, Faculty, English, College of the Sequoias, CA
This is a life changing workshop for me. I plan to use many portions of this model in my life and in my classroom. – Sean Stevens, Faculty, Science, U.S. Air Force Academy Prep School, CO
This has been an enriching experience both personally and professionally. I have been seeking new strategies to better serve my students, and this workshop offered the best of the best–excellent strategies, examples, ideas, all presented in an environment that was both encouraging and supportive. I am leaving this workshop with renewed vigor. – Sherry Rhodes, Faculty, Communication Studies, Colin County Community College, TX
Thank you for this incredible experience. – Cathee Duncan, Transfer and Academic Coordinator, Pueblo Community College, CO
This workshop definitely met my high expectations! – Ross Smith, Counselor/Faculty, West Valley College, CA
I’ve learned far more about being an effective teacher from your 4-day workshop than I did in any teacher training throughout my career. You’ve shown me a path to being the kind of educator that I have always dreamed of being. This On Course Workshop has been life-changing, and I highly recommend it for all who wish to make a difference in their own life as well as the lives of others. – Corey Hamby, Faculty, Freshman Year Experience, Cleveland State University, OH
I approached this workshop as wanting to learn “tricks” to use in my classes–but instead I now see the key is not just to make my methodology better–but to address the students’ role, too. This workshop has changed my whole perspective as to what my goals need to be. – Richard Leeper, Faculty, Psychology and Sociology, Rappahannock Community College, VA
I’ve never been to a workshop as well done and meaningful as On Course I and On Course II. The optional evening session in On Course II was life-changing for me. Thank you. – Marianne Auten, Counselor, Paradise Community College, AZ
This workshop was one of the best experiences of my life. Thank you! – Barbara Pescar, Faculty, English, Cuyamaca College, CA
I have attended MULTIPLE workshops thru the years. No other has impacted my personal and professional life to such an extent…WOW!! – Teresa Riestenberg, College Success, Christ Hospital School of Nursing, OH
The pace was great. The balance of talk and activity was perfect for me. One desired outcome I had was rejuvenation which, based on other multi-day workshops, I did not think likely. However, I must say I am rejuvenated and ready to go! Great job! – Tom Manning, Director, Career Services, Davidson County Community College, NC
I was surprised at how fast the time went, how much information was shared that is usable and applicable. I’m almost overwhelmed with great information! I’m looking forward to getting in there and developing my syllabi for the fall! Thanks! – Heather Lippard, Assistant Director, Learning Assistance Program, Appalachian State University, NC
Thanks for a wonderful, invigorating, thought-provoking workshop. – Ruth Garber, Faculty, Reading, Georgia Gwinnett College, GA
On Course has given the field of education a bright spot in the struggles educators continually face to engage students. You have met the challenge of equipping educator with the tools needed to equip students to become lifelong learners. – Kitty Spires, Faculty, DVS, Midlands Technical College, SC
What I like best about this workshop is the paradigm shift that I experienced. I now see students in a different light, realizing that study skills are just not enough and that we must go deeper to help students be successful. – David Henriques, Assistant Dean, Shippensburg University, PA
I want to thank you for a wonderfully fun and productive OCII workshop. A better combo couldn’t exist to my taste. You are truly having an impact on others that is deeply personal, far-reaching, and critically important–not just to the realm of education but our whole society. – Suzanne Schultz, Faculty, Psychology, Umpqua Community College, OR
This workshop will make me a better person and a better teacher. Wow! – Rhonda Rye, Faculty, Liberal Arts, Brevard Community College, FL
This was the best conference of my entire professional life. Thank you for facilitating a powerful learning experience that has re-energized me. Each and every moment was filled with learning and experiencing, and you modeled everything you wanted us to learn. – Donna Colondres, Counselor, Chaffey College, CA
Thanks for an experience that will make a difference in both my professional and my personal life. I am a better person and a better mentor for my students as a result of this workshop. – Geraldine DeFelix, Faculty, English, Chipola College, FL
On a scale of 1-10, this workshop rates 100. Awesome experience! – John Bobbs, San Jacinto College, TX
I have been in and conducted many workshops. Yours was THE best I can remember attending…. I applaud your work. – Carol Bader, Chair, Developmental Studies, Middle Tennessee State University, TN and Treasurer, NADE (National Association of Developmental Educators)
The workshop helped give concrete strategies for me to help students succeed. It took some of the “best of the best” from psychology and motivation and adapted it so that instructors could use it to help students. Great ideas that will help generations of students! – Barb Oakley, Faculty, Engineering, Oakland University, MI
As a result of this workshop, I am “pumped”! Thank you for your kindness and your positive spirit. It is easy to see that you do this for the betterment of others. It would have been a “poor choice” for me to have missed this opportunity! – David Belote, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs, University of Tennessee-Martin, TN
I enjoyed the OCII workshop very much. I am leaving empowered with multiple new strategies and tools, as well as some existing ones strengthened or expanded. – Brenda Stotesbery, Faculty, Mathematics, Cuyahoga Community College, OH
The practical application of the concepts is extremely helpful. I gained useful, specific strategies that are easily incorporated into my work with first-year students (and in my own personal life!). – Wendy Merb-Brown Director, Learning Community Program, Ohio University, OH
I learned great ideas that I truly believe will help my student toward their road of success. This has been a great experience. – Vicki Francis, Faculty, Nursing, College of Lake County, IL
Besides all of the useful strategies that I learned, I experienced a real sense of bonding with my colleagues, a deep sharing of who we are, and a sense of how what we do flows out of who we are. – David Gerkin, Counselor, Glendale Community College, AZ
This has been time that will be repaid to me and everyone who learns these ideas and strategies. The only way to improve the workshop is to make it longer! – Marsha Frank, Faculty, ABE/GED, South Puget Sound Community College, WA
Dr. Downing, you are the exemplary teacher we all aspire to be. Your disposition, comfort with the content, delivery, humor, and candor made this experience the very best. Thank you. – Osaro Ighodaro, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Scottsdale Community College, AZ
This has been the most powerful and empowering workshop I have ever attended. I commit to incorporating the On Course concepts I learned here so that I can multiply their dividends on my campus. – Ellen White-Khazrai, Faculty, English Paine College, GA
Thanks again for another awesome experience here in On Course II. You are an amazing facilitator and like you said, the group of people we had – and the energy and connections made – made it a unique and special time. You are really changing people’s lives through what you’ve created in On Course and the way you facilitate your two workshops. – Doug Dewar, Director, Counseling, Mayland Community College, NC
I had high hopes for what I could get from this workshop experience and they have been exceeded by far. Not only am I certain that the On Course strategies will help my students, but employing them will also liberate me from a great load of work. Shifting responsibility for learning to the students will free much of the time I spend trying to “fix” their problems after they’ve created them by means of methods that don’t work. – Rick Dollieslager, Chair, English, Thomas Nelson Community College, VA
Thank you for providing us with different, positive, energizing and empowering methods to help our students. – Patricia Ramos, Counselor, The Victoria College, TX
Thank you so much! All faculty [members] should attend this workshop! – Elmira Yakutova-Lorentz, Faculty, Mathematics, Brevard Community College, FL
This was the best workshop I’ve ever been to. I have a lot of knowledge/experience in what to teach. I now have ideas for how to get my students to really change. – Cheryl Norton, Faculty, English Languages and Humanities, Southwestern College, CA
Ways I think the workshop could be improved? You can’t improve on perfect! – Dan Villaire, Faculty, English, Saginaw Valley State University, MI
After attending the On Course I Workshop, I completely revamped my student success course and the philosophy of the program. For my class I used the On Course text, and I must tell you this was the BEST professional experience I ever had teaching a course. I enjoyed every minute of it, and the students really embraced the course as well. Additionally they all did extremely well with their math and English classes, even having 3 students earn a 4.0 for the semester. This is unheard of for such high risk students! – Tamara Rury, Director of Academic Development, St. Thomas Aquinas College, NY
Such practical stuff. Stuff I can use! Amen! – Holly Susi, Faculty, English, Community College of Rhode Island, RI
The overall content was fantastic. The design team and outcomes presented will be templates for our work both for professional development and in the classroom. I enjoyed the OC II Workshop and will strongly recommend it to my other OC I trained colleagues! – Melissa Komadina, Counselor, Skyline College, CA
Thank you for making a difference in my life. You taught me to be a better person in all aspects of my life. I also thank you for modeling a commitment to student success. – Linda Aroonsavath, Transitional Advisor-Learner Success, Madison Area Technical College, WI
This course was amazing! Thank you! – Jennifer Thompson, Faculty, Dental Hygiene, Allegany College of Maryland, MD,
I am impressed with this course. I arrived as a skeptic, but by the end of the first day I was converted. These strategies are practical and timely. I am looking forward to implementing them in the accounting courses I teach. – Rodney R. Brooks, Faculty, Accounting, Glendale Community College, AZ
For the first time, perhaps ever, I am excited to teach our college success course. How long have I taught it? Only 20 years! – Vicki Lefevre, Assistant Director, Academic Resource Center, Ohio Dominican University, OH
The strategies in this workshop are not only good for the success of students, but for all human beings. – Nwachi Tafari, Division Chair, Developmental Education, Guilford Technical Community College, NC
This workshop is awesome!! This is why I became a teacher. – Lynn McClelland, Faculty, English, Paradise Valley Community College, AZ
This is definitely one of the best workshops I’ve ever attended! – Roxanne Jackson, Faculty, Accounting, Vance-Granville Community College, NC
As a result of this workshop, I have far more new strategies than I can implement in one semester! It was also inspiring to be in a room full of other bright, creative, talented educators who share so many common values and perspectives about education. – Pat Scheib, Academic Skills Specialist, Pennsylvania College of Technology, PA
Thanks for designing and implementing a terrific OCII model to use in oh so many ways. – Renee Riley, Faculty, English, Maui Community College, HI
This was the most productive and rewarding workshop I have ever attended. – Tanya Stanley, San Jacinto College, TX
The On Course Workshop is the 5th conference I’ve attended in the past 3 months. Your workshop was by far the most helpful learning experience and will provide me with resources for all of my program needs. Thanks! – Miya Squires, Center for Academic Success, Butte College, CA
The On Course materials strongly support me in helping my students become empowered students and people. I wish I had found this program years ago! – George Daniel, Director, Student Success Center, University of Tennessee-Martin, TN
This workshop is energizing. [The facilitator] demonstrated what he was teaching, and the strategies appealed to multiple learning styles. This experience even provided the direction and energy I need to conquer my dissertation (which I had made into an obstacle). – Mindy Stamp, Faculty, Psychology, Northwest Missouri State University, MO
This workshop has been the most rewarding experience for me. I feel that a new me has emerged. Thank you for everything. – Betty Baker, Faculty, Adult Education, Altamaha Technical College, GA
I have really, really enjoyed this workshop. Thank you for your vision and putting it all together in your book!! I want to share the power of the On Course materials with everyone I know!! – Terri Jedlicka, Faculty, Learning Services, Kirkwood Community College, IA
Absolutely life change; wonderful experience. – Barb Weimerskirch, Assistant Director, Center for Academic Enrichment & Excellence, Virginia Tech, VA
I am going to use more of the OCII strategies we learned when I work with faculty. I facilitate an informal professional development seminar called Chalk Talk. I am going to bring a new structure to each seminar and ask faculty to participate in them. – Lana Carter, Chairperson, Social Science and Education, Pueblo Community College, CO
I can’t think of anything to suggest for improvement. You have obviously refined this workshop over the years, and I got far more than I expected as a participant. I am grateful for the experience. – Robert Stuessy, Program Director, New Student Advisement and Orientation Services Midlands Technical College, SC
I am committed to using many of the techniques that I have learned and adapting them to suit my needs and the needs of my students. Overall I thought the workshop was outstanding: practical, personal, professional. I really liked how [the facilitator] made the workshop very interactive with a large number of people….I can definitely say that the benefits of this workshop were worth the cost (of being away from work, family, travel, time, etc.). Kudos! – Allison Lomond, College Counselor, College of the North Atlantic, Doha, Qatar
This workshop practiced what it preached and empowered the participants. Through this empowerment, I learned at a new level. The sense of community that was formed was great! – Amanda Bohon, Counselor/Faculty, Southwest Virginia Community College, VA
You’ve shown me how to get away from lecture/lectern to help students learn to think/speak/act and not just listen to my voice. You have shown me the best that education can be. This workshop was wonderful!! – Joanna Camp, Director, Academic Enhancement Program, University of North Carolina-Greensboro, NC
I have gained useful information that will help me to engage my students. I am walking away with many tools that I can use with my students. Thank you! – Greg Gabehart, Faculty, History, Howard College, TX
Unlike other workshops, we are leaving with concrete tangible plans, scenarios, handouts, data, etc., instead of just leaving with a “good feeling.” It will be easier to implement on our campuses with this tangible evidence of what we experienced. Rather than just an evangelical church meeting or pep rally–we have been enervated but also given a plan. Thanks. – Charlene Stephens, Director, Academic Support, Wesley College, DE
This workshop was fantastic. I don’t know how it could be improved. – Donna McNatt, Faculty, Mathematics, Cuyahoga Community College, OH
I really enjoyed the On Course I Workshop, but the On Course II Workshop will be even more beneficial. This is exactly what I needed to move my classes to more learner-centered. The knowledge of “how to create new activities” using these tools is wonderful. – Nancy Wolford, Faculty, Psychology and Sociology, Southern State Community College, OH
I highly recommend this workshop not only to all instructors teaching student success skills but to anybody involved in education: instructors, advisers, college administrators, recruiters, etc. I liked the perfect balance of activities and learning, enlightening learning experiences and discoveries every step of the way. It was great! – Larissa Hill, Faculty, English, Glendale Community College, AZ
You gave us great learner-centered strategies to add to our educator’s toolbox and you showed us how to put the tools into great use. Thank you for caring about each of us as educators. I observed the passion in your eyes as you watched each of us grow. I would go back to 18 years old just to have you as my instructor. – Jaci DeClue, Academic Advisor, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, IL
I liked learning real solutions to difficult obstacles standing between students and their success. This workshop had both a personal and professional impact on me at a very critical time. Thank you. – Carol Latronica, Associate Dean of Students, Lock Haven University, PA
This workshop touched me in a deeply personal way. I feel lighter, refreshed and ready to help students achieve their goals and dreams! – Michele Bresso, Faculty, Communication, Bakersfield College, CA
This was a very personally and professionally meaningful experience. What a great use of time, energy and intellectual resources. I look forward to taking additional On Course Workshops and courses. I’m excited about the possibilities this creates for my students. – Rukiya Akua, San Jacinto College, TX
I got more than I ever expected. The learning opportunities/experiences at this workshop were limitless, which is something I have never experienced at any other workshop. This is rare and precious. – Tina Michalski, Counselor, Jamestown Community College, NY
I absolutely loved everything… Thanks for a wonderful experience. This workshop was everything I had heard and more!! I am excited about using these strategies and using On Course on my campus and in my classes. – Zeporia Smith, Faculty, Education, Montgomery College, MD
Thank you for another great learning experience. Your two workshops will not only help my students, but also help me stay on course in my professional and personal life. – Travis Ramage, Academic Advisor, Aurora University, IL
This is the best workshop I have ever been to, and I will certainly encourage others from our college to attend one! – Subi Rajendra, Coordinator, Learning Lab, Cape Fear Community College, NC
I feel recharged with new strategies that I am excited to try out with some of my more “difficult” students. I feel like I just had a massage of the brain and soul. I am relaxed, renewed, and motivated. I feel like I’ve been given a fresh start. – Emily Gross, Academic Resource Center, Catawba College, NC
I have been teaching the college success course using the On Course text, but have not carried the strategies over to my writing classes. I now have many ideas of ways I can adapt them for writing. The optional night session was a deeply moving experience. I now have a sense of control over a personal situation that has been overwhelming me. – Amanda Periot, Faculty, Developmental English, York Technical College, SC
This is one of the best workshops I have ever attended! I have never learned so much about myself and ways to help students in such a short time! I was constantly learning and the ideas sometimes came faster than I could write. You are a wonderful facilitator and role model for all of us. I want to attend the On Course II Workshop! – Carmen Etienne, Academic Advisor, Oakland University, MI
This workshop should be required for all faculty, staff, and administrators. – Lamar McWaine, Student Life Coordinator, San Jacinto College, TX
I am going home with specific things I can do tomorrow in my class. You modeled what a good teacher is and how an effective classroom is run. This has been a wonderful experience that has changed me. It is the best workshop I have ever attended. – Sherry Crawford-Eyen, Faculty, Mathematics, Columbus State Community College, OH
I told my Dean that if I took every workshop and conference I had ever attended and rolled them into one it would not equal what I learned and gained from your workshop…. I have never been to a workshop where almost everything I learned I will use. I’m feeling competent and empowered to be a better educator, and I know my students will absolutely benefit from what I have learned here. – Jan Trollinger, Faculty, English, Paine College, GA
I’m walking away with numerous strategies to both implement and adapt in the classroom. I love the various mediums used to present in OCII. Demonstrating this flawlessly will help me incorporate more in the classroom. – Carrie Roberson, Faculty, Child Development & On Course Coordinator, Butte College, CA
I looked forward to this workshop and wasn’t disappointed. The ‘reality-based’ learning and effective teaching/learning was refreshing! – Doug Montgomery, Faculty, CIS, Madison Area Technical College, WI
This is the BEST workshop I have ever attended!!! You have helped inspire me in so many different ways that will benefit my life and the lives of the students I work with. – Jody Flynn, ACE, Central Lakes College, MN
The workshop was all learner-centered, relevant, and extremely helpful. This is probably the most beneficial workshop that I have ever attended.
– Karen Frost, Faculty, First Year Experience, University of Arkansas-Little Rock, AR
This workshop experience has changed me…the power to help my students succeed now rests in my hands! – Frances Robinson, Faculty, Developmental Studies, Pensacola Junior College, FL
Thanks! You definitely helped open my mind to some new approaches for helping my students succeed. The value of these cannot be understated; with these tools, we are equipping students for life as well as for college. – John Gibson, Faculty, Business, Glendale Community College, AZ
This workshop touched my “inner teacher” and my “caring soul” as an educator, person, and community member. – Karen Womack, Faculty, English, Montana State University-Billings, MT
This has been a life-changing experience that I am certain will also change the lives of my students. I loved the information, the humor, the flow, the sincerity of the facilitator, and the many ideas that I and others developed. – Laura Padgett, Student Success Center, Lees-McRae College, NC
I felt motivated and inspired throughout the whole OCII experience. The optional evening session is something that’s difficult to describe in words. It reached into my soul and pulled out the person I’ve missed the past few years. – Pat McCurdy, Faculty, Developmental English, Cayuga Community College, NY
This has been the best workshop I have ever attended! Thank you! I learned so much. I appreciated the creativity, the information was great and I loved the group sharing. – Juli Poe, Clinic Coordinator, Dental Hygiene, Howard College, TX
You have condensed such important principles into accessible, simple, and deep material. I can’t imagine improvements. I particularly like that outcomes for each participant are measurable and specific to increase the likelihood of content application. – Matt Houghton, Faculty, Career Education Options, Shoreline Community College, WA
Thank you for filling my toolbox with needed new ideas which I can readily implement and share with fellow trainers and teachers. – Robin Melton, Director, University of Texas-Arlington, TX
This was one of the few substantive workshops I have ever attended. What I liked best was the practicality rather than theory. – Andrew Kelley, Faculty, English, Jackson State Community College, TN
This is a life changing and life affirming event! I can’t wait to use the On Course principles to touch others. – Darlene Hartman, Coordinator of Learning Support Services, Clarion University, PA
Thank you for an excellent workshop and for not only empowering me to use the material but for empowering me to be a change agent at my campus. – Latia Allen, Student Services Counselor, Wake Technical Community College, NC
I wouldn’t change a single component of this workshop. Perfect timing and perfect presentation! – Sharon Fallon, Faculty, Student Success, University of Maryland-Baltimore County (UMBC), MD
I thought I would leave the workshop with new ideas to use in my courses. Little did I know what a life-changing workshop this would be. My right brain, that has been hidden for years, began to emerge. It was amazing to experience!!! – Diana Willeman, Faculty, Chemistry & Biology, Jefferson College of Health Sciences, VA
I really valued the establishing of a safe environment and valuing the individuals/styles in the OCII workshop. Great modeling for how to treat students. – Martine Shelley, Learning Disabilities Specialist, Sierra College, CA
Absolutely everything was awesome!! On Course is unquestionably the best conference I’ve ever attended. Thank you! – Rayma Davis, Faculty, Social Science & Humanities, Umpqua Community College, OR
I love that we actively engage in all of the activities/content. On Course has already impacted out campus, and I just can’t wait to see what the next year has to bring for our college. – Ashely Dively, Coordinator, Developmental Education, Allegany Community College, MD
I’m extremely skeptical and critical of most education workshops or conferences because I’ve attended so many bad ones. This is the first time I’m actually leaving with real ideas to implement right away. The content is relevant and useful! – Shelmon Brown, Faculty, English, US Air Force Academy Prep School, CO
I leave this workshop a different man. I’m very excited about the changes and challenges to which I’ve committed myself as an educator and as a person. I must have the courage to “be the change I wish to see in the world.” – Manuel Lopez, Faculty, Mathematics, Cerritos College, CA
I have never before felt a workshop I attended helped me to teach. This will! I have hands-on, specific strategies I can utilize every day in both my career and personal life. I commit to utilizing On Course principles and strategies in my classroom. – Lynn Ezzell, Faculty, English, Cape Fear Community College, NC
I’m leaving this workshop feeling empowered, changed, and invigorated. You should call it the “4-day Sabbatical”! – Angie Stuart, Faculty, Spanish and ESL, Southwestern College, CA
This is the best workshop I have ever attended. I plan to use 97% of the strategies presented. All college personnel should have the opportunity to attend this amazing workshop. – Cora Weger, Director, Student Support Services, Illinois Eastern Community College, IL
I learned lots of practical strategies. More importantly, I was continually challenged to be a creator…to walk the walk. – Michael Dickinson, Assistant Director, Learning Center, Shippensburg University, PA
I liked the logical progression with practical modeling and many opportunities to practice and apply principles. Pace was very good. If there is an On Course III…count me in! – Ken Zajac, Student Advisor, University of Wyoming, WY
Great teaching. Great teacher. Great students. Great activities. Great lessons. I feel like Tony the Tiger… On Course is Grrreat! Skip, you have really refined this course into almost an art form. It was beautiful. – Deb Cook, Faculty, Reading, Fox Valley Technical College, WI
This workshop created a fundamental shift in how I relate to students. I have learned innumerable new tools and skills that I can use both professionally and personally. – Teresa Hall, Director, EOPS, Santa Monica College, CA
This was a brilliant blend of fun, fellowship, and meaningful work. I will teach our pilot student success course with enthusiasm and commitment. My heartfelt thanks to Skip Downing! God bless him and his mission! – Gail Janecka, Counselor, The Victoria College, TX
It’s hard to express how valuable an experience On Course provided me…and I know we all feel the same way. Thanks again for the great experience! – Doug Barr, Counselor, Saddleback College, CA
I came with high expectations and they were more than fulfilled! – Patri R. Mays, Faculty, CIS, Paradise Valley Community College, AZ
My overall rating of the value I received from this workshop is an 11. Yes, I realize it’s a scale of 1-10, but this experience was beyond good…out of the box. Thank you for a profound experience. I am recharged, reinvigorated, and further committed to my work and personal life. – Moira Fulton, Faculty, Reading and Study Skills, Highline Community College, WA
I love the ideas of OCII and how it has made me a better teacher! – Erin Frock, Counselor, Truckee Meadows Community College, NV
This is the best workshop I’ve ever attended. You have integrated/modeled some of the best group process techniques I’ve ever seen. – Terry Humiston, Faculty, Developmental Mathematics, Madison Area Technical College, WI
In my 31 years of teaching this was the best and most critically needed of any workshop I have ever attended. Thanks again for such a memorable, moving educational experience. – Susan Duncan, Faculty, Humanities, El Camino College, CA
This workshop exceeded all of my expectations. – Lindy Coleman, Study Skills Coordinator, College of Charleston, SC
This workshop was great! I feel professionally revitalized by this program! – James Brown, Faculty, Learning Center, Missouri Southern State University, MO
I’ve now attended the On Course I Workshop twice and the On Course II Workshop once. I’d love to come back once a year for this or On Course II. Next year I think I’ll do On Course II again! – Dana Murphy, Chair, Learning Assistance Department, National Park Community College, AR
I have attended a lot of workshops and conferences–On Course is by far the best! I totally enjoyed every aspect! – Debbie Alford, Director, Title III and Success Center, Southwestern Illinois College, IL
I leave this workshop with many concrete ideas to use immediately upon my return to the classroom, and I feel more confident to assist students in making wise choices. This workshop has been extremely energizing and fun! – Chrissy Bloome, Faculty, Nursing, Mount Hood Community College, OR
Though I have taken the On Course I and On Course II Workshops for professional growth, both workshops have helped me grow and improve personally. – Supriya Draviam, Faculty, English, Cuyahoga Community College, OH
I have never given a workshop a 10 point rating before, but this one earned it. This has been the best workshop I have ever attended. I know I will use the information I have gained to help my students. – Alice Franey, Faculty, Mathematics, United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School, CO
I appreciate your commitment to the individuals and the process. Other programs don’t provide all the useful strategies you have created to assist students to succeed. – Stan Wiley, Counselor, Atlantic Community College, NJ
I had such a terrific experience this past weekend! The workshop truly was more than I imagined it would be. Although I’ve enjoyed “mountaintop experiences” before, this workshop brought the two parts of my life together, i.e., professional and personal. During the workshop I could see how I can continue to integrate and blend the two AND bring it to a higher – and much more fulfilling level AND involve myself in more meaningful projects at UH Hilo. I’m really excited about that! – Barbara Bostwick, Academic Counselor, University of Hawaii-Hilo, HI
Out of all the conferences I’ve ever attended, nothing even comes close to what you’ve managed to put together! I can’t wait until On Course II. – Cynthia Mosqueda, Counselor, El Camino College, CA
I am very excited about this course work. I want to learn more. I can’t wait to start using these techniques. – Michael E. Cooper, Faculty, Emergency Medical Technology, San Jacinto College, TX
The workshop was very well done and I would rate it a solid 10. Then, after the optional night session, it passed into a life-changing experience. – Anne Brackett, Faculty, Chemistry, Everett Community College, WA
I truly thank you for your efforts to create such an empowering workshop. – Jeff Walsh, Faculty, Recreation, Lock Haven University, PA
I have incorporated strategies from the On Course I Workshop in my new student seminar and in meetings with my staff. In this OCII workshop I have learned many new strategies that will increase my effectiveness on the job and also boost my confidence in the classroom. Thanks you! – Judith Gazzola, Director, Career Development Center, LaGuardia Community College, NY
I have lot of new “tools” to add to my tool box! The group work was tremendous–so helpful to be exposed to many different ideas/perspectives. The experiential learning was powerful and I see in a completely new way how important doing is to learning. This will greatly impact how I teach my students. Thank you! – Pam Hill, Faculty, Art History, Glendale Community College, AZ
I’m so thankful that I chose to attend and participant in the On Course I Workshop. I am so excited to get back to campus and get others involved in sharing the On Course strategies with our students. – Janina DeHart, Coordinator, Academic Success Program, Western Carolina University, NC
In the world of teaching (and life) workshops, yours has been the best yet! I feel renewed by the experience, both personally and professionally. The sense of community that you created was just what my soul needed. I felt like a college student again – intimately connecting with peers, being energized by learning, and experiencing such profound personal growth and renewal through it all. You are truly gifted! Thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us. I am certain we are all better people because of it. – Leslie Smith, Faculty, Mathematics, Columbus State Community College, OH
This was a transformative experience that I will never forget. – Renee L. Gross, Faculty, Communications, Corning Community College, NY
I use the activities and materials you provided in the On Course I Workshop all the time, and I am looking forward to joining you for the On Course II training. – Joyce Oates, Counselor/Intervention Specialist, Columbia Basin College, WA
Thank you. You have created something that will make better the lives of a huge number of people. The concepts and skills I learned are directly applicable to my work with college students. I can and will use these ideas immediately. Additionally, this experience has resulted in more personal growth and understanding than anything I have done in 59 years. – Bill Ekey, Instructional Support Specialist, Harford Community College, MD
I can’t tell you enough how much I got out of the training, and I am so appreciative for everything! I truly look forward to our paths meeting again in On Course II. I’m stronger and much more confident about myself as a facilitator because of your gift to make my gifts shine. – Tia Bruised Head, Faculty, Strategies for College Success, Scottsdale Community College, AZ
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Yeah OCII! – Beth Ashworth, Faculty, Nursing, Guilford Technical Community College, NC
This is without a doubt the most worthwhile conference I have ever attended. I believe that because of this conference, I will not only improve my teaching, but will also improve my life. – Diana DiCosmo, Learning Specialist, Lehigh Carbon Community College, PA
How could any educator expect to empower young adults without a tankful of On Course? – Alan Cohen, Faculty, Business, Ithaca College, NY
I have found this a priceless opportunity! I have learned how to empower my students and see the value in feeling empowered myself. Thank you!
– Crista Gray, Assistant Director, McNair Scholars, Our Lady of the Lake University, TX
This was an awesome experience. I truly enjoyed every moment of it. – Marc Morency, Faculty, Life Sciences, Bay College, MI
My first day back I plunged into using On Course materials and methods with my students, and they LOVED it!! And I LOVED it! The funny thing is, before the workshop I had been mainly concerned with lifting up my lowest students, but the stronger students were also totally engaged! It actually felt different in the room- totally alive! I am so excited to use these techniques, and I can already see and feel the impact of your wonderful guidance. Thank you so much on behalf of myself and all of my present and future students!!!!!! – Stephanie Schwartz, Faculty, Humanities, El Camino College, CA
This workshop was extremely valuable to me both professionally and personally. I learned so much about myself and also many ideas to use for Strategies for College, and for use with my staff in my office. Very few workshops do I come away feeling so much personal growth! – Kelly Conrad, Director of Admissions & Records & Student Success Instructor, Illinois Valley Community College, IL
I will use On Course strategies in faculty and staff development workshops. On Course will also be a major source of strategies for my pilot learning community aimed at developmental students. Thank you for providing me with a means to help my students; more so, thank you for making me look at myself deeper and to love myself again. – Sandy O’Sullivan, Faculty, English, Mid-South Community College, AR
I am most impressed by the design and structure of the OCII workshop. I am amazed by how things are set up to unfold as they do. – Denise Marshall-Mills, Counselor/Faculty, Cosumnes River College, CA
What I liked best about the workshop was the sequence of events–very powerful, yet not rushed! – Steve Pylot, Program Head, Agricultural Science & Beef Production, Lakeland College, Canada
I have recorded 57 strategies (yours and the ones yours triggered)! You really made me laugh and feel delight, and I leave here full of love for my profession. I commit to finding the cash to attend On Course II. – Nancy White, Faculty, English, Adirondack Community College, NY
I loved the variety, energy, and pace of the OCII workshop. I was never bored. I really appreciate the opportunity to attend this workshop. Each time I get re-energized! – Nancy Godwin, Director, Student Support Services, Mayland Community College, NC
I love what this workshop is presenting and I love the way that it presents it. What a gift, a treat this workshop has been. I will do all I can to spread the word. – Syd Bartman, Faculty, English, Mt. San Antonio College, CA
I can honestly say that this workshop nears perfection!!! – Beth Bremer, Faculty, Developmental Education, Madison Area Technical College, WI
This is one of the best organized and most well-planned workshops that I have ever attended. I generally do not like to participate in activities, especially if I feel that I will be judged. I never had that feeling here. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and feel like I have learned many strategies to take home with me. Thanks! – Diane Williams, Director, Developmental Mathematics, Northern Kentucky University, KY
This was my second time taking the workshop. I know this will ultimately help me even more than last time. Thanks so much! – Sue Iserman, Associate VP of Academic Affairs, Illinois Valley Community College, IL
One huge appreciation card to you, Skip, for the best Professional Development experience in my life: OCII! – Jan Reed, Counselor, Piedmont Virginia Community College, VA
This workshop is off the charts awesome. And fun! This was the best training ever! – Gabrielle Siemion, Counselor, Santa Barbara City College, CA
I don’t think the workshop or facilitation could be improved. It was enjoyable, fun, hands on, encouraging and very much worth my time and effort. I’m looking forward to attending an On Course II Workshop! – Connie Phillips, Faculty, Student Success, University of Arkansas-Fort Smith, AR
I particularly liked the opportunity to participate in the activities while you modeled how to facilitate them…. I felt like I was witnessing greatness in action! – Jennifer Ankerholz, Career Planning and Placement Coordinator, Barton County Community College, KS
I often feel, after reading an outstanding book, that I wish I could read it again for the first time. That’s the way I feel about the On Course I Workshop. – Stephanie Olsen, Academic Support Specialist, Finger Lakes Community College, NY
The recent On Course workshop held at my college was again a great success! This is the second workshop we have held and the reviews are outstanding! Instructors from our adult school, Math, English, ESL, Physical Education, Nursing and Counseling Faculty had a great time learning new strategies to use in the classroom and one on one with students. We will hold our third workshop this Fall and I can’t wait to see the reaction again. – Chuck Ward, Counselor, Pasadena City College, CA
I was completely blown away! This workshop is wonderful! – Michelle Johnson, Academic Advisor, Missouri University of Science and Technology, MO
I have begun using the techniques learned in the On Course Workshop, and I cannot begin to tell you about the positive changes in my class. I am so jazzed and having a really good time in class. The workshop has transformed my teaching and really gotten me motivated for grad school. Thank you, thank you. – Royce Herron, Faculty, Theatre Arts, Glendale Community College, CA
I commit to sending all of my department heads to On Course II (and to On Course I if they have not been). – Phil Prosseda, Dean, USAF Academy Prep School, CO
This has been a life-changing experience for me, and I am grateful. – Stephanie Monson, Student Academic Services Coordinator, The College of Saint Scholastica, MN
I loved the mix of theory and application, intensity in a serene setting, the non-threatening atmosphere that encouraged us to take risks, the overall flow. Thank you for such a powerful experience, both professionally and personally. – Lori DeConinck, Director, Learning Center, Southern New Hampshire University, NH
This workshop was worth every penny! – Jillian Quandt, TRIO, Winona State University, MN
The daily flow of activities really modeled what a learner-centered class should be like. I’m going to integrate that format on a more regular basis. I appreciate the thought you have put into the creation of this workshop. – Jessica Kingsley, Faculty, English, Piedmont Virginia Community College, VA
I’ve gained so much personally as well as professionally; it brings me to tears. Keep doing what you’re doing, Skip! Isn’t it wonderful to know your purpose in life and live it according to that purpose. – Joanna Mootz, Faculty, English, Cerritos College, CA
I loved every aspect of the workshop–it appealed to all aspects of my existence: intellectual, social, spiritual, etc., in a well-structured, informative manner. – Ruth E. Burke, Faculty, French & German, Cal State Bernardino, CA
This workshop was an absolutely fantastic experience, and I can’t wait to implement some of the strategies I learned. – Kim Doyle, Faculty, Transitional Studies, Monroe Community College, NY
You gave us the tools we needed and set up opportunities to actually use those tools as we will when we get home and begin to design further activities. This OCII workshop reinforced my desire to continue implementing On Course strategies and structures and empowered me to tap into my “Innovator” personality to now design my own activities rather than exclusively relying on ones others have done. – Lisa McRaven, Faculty, English, Ozarks Technical Community College, MO
I have so many new activities that I can utilize in the classroom. I will highly recommend this workshop to my colleagues. – Pat Parks, Counselor, Reading Area Community College, PA
The optional evening session was by far the most powerful learning experience I’ve ever been in. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! – Jane Sparks, Coordinator, Frosh/Soph Advising, California State University at San Marcos, CA
Thanks for a great OCII workshop! – Rich Benard, Faculty, General Education, Bryant & Stratton College, OH
I know you want feedback to help improve the workshop, but I thought it was marvelous the way it was. You did a wonderful job! It was fun and the learnings all sank in. Thank you! – Judy Eyben, Learning Disabilities Support, Lakeland College, Alberta, Canada
The workshop is brilliantly orchestrated. Each exercise was connected and provided a foundation of skill development that allowed us to progressively move deeper and deeper. Thank you from the depths of my being. I am filled with renewed hope, vision, possibility, care and support. – Mary J. O’Connor, Senior Academic Counselor, Holyoke Community College, MA
There really aren’t words to express how much this experience has meant to me personally and professionally, but if I had to pick two words they would be: exhilarating and calming! – Lois Blau, Coordinator, Chemistry Learning Center Michigan Technological University, MI
Really one of the best workshops! I liked the variety of practical activities. Now I want to take the On Course II Workshop. – Juliet Booth, TRIO Advising Specialist, Chemekata Community College, OR
I’m going home from OCII feeling both empowered and furnished with the What, How and Why of doing learner-centered instruction. Thank you. – Ruth Burke, Faculty, Foreign Languages, California State University at San Bernardino, CA
I have been to many workshops over the years, and this is the best one I have ever attended! – Judith Day, Student Success, El Camino College, CA
I cannot overemphasize the value of this workshop to me. I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to interact with a group of people who care so genuinely about students. – Dave Bahrs, Faculty, Mathematics, Montgomery College, MD
What I like best about the workshop: Masterful, genuine facilitation; Permission to be; Ideas! Such useful ideas!; Process time, individually; Organization. Thank you for a terrific conference! – Barb Green, Counselor, Adirondack Community College, NY
Great job! – Scott Woods, Faculty, Psychology, Jackson State Community College, TN
I don’t know how you’ve managed to create a workshop that has so reinvigorated me in only four days, but the experience was profoundly transformative. You’ve been the catalyst for me to be fully renewed as an instructor and freshly empowered as an individual, and I know from speaking with other participants that I was not alone. I find myself more in control of my professional and personal future than I’ve ever been before, a realization both liberating and exhilarating. – Denise Saxon, Faculty, Developmental Education, Colorado Mountain College, CO
This past fall I attended an On Course II and I totally shifted my teaching to learner-centered activities. I feel a fog lift and students are “getting it!” – Teresa Hoercher, Faculty, Early Childhood Education, Cayuga Community College, NY
Thank you. This workshop has re-invigorated me and inspired me. I expect to make a huge difference at my college. – Abla Christiansen, Counselor, Solano College, CA
This is the most useful and rewarding workshop I’ve ever attended. I feel renewed as a person and as a professional. Every other educational workshop seems a sad waste of time and money by comparison. – Tom Hale, Online Student Services Specialist, East Arkansas Community College, AR
This is the most valuable workshop I’ve attended in my 25-year career. I’ve learned strategies that I can incorporate into my work (and personal life) immediately. I am grateful. – Judith Gazzola, Director, Career Development Center, LaGuardia Community College, NY
I really enjoyed the process of working with a team to achieve a goal, while continually being introduced to new OCII strategies to improve not only the instructional design but the functionality and relationships in the group. – Allison Lomond, Counselor, College of the North Atlantic, Qatar
The OCII design team project brought all aspects of On Course together in the same way my dissertation process brought my doctoral studies together. Well done and thank you! – George Daniel, Director, Student Success Center, University of Tennessee-Martin, TN
I want to thank you for the best workshop I have attended in my 30-year teaching career. You have it right on the money! – Jim Metz, Faculty, Mathematics, Kapi’olani Community College, HI
I am going to implement many of the ideas and techniques that I learned in this workshop. I have a new activity in mind for each of my classes. I am also actively thinking of ways to do similar workshops for colleagues. Thank you so much for caring about us and our students! – Barbara Kennedy, Faculty, Psychology, Brevard Community College, FL
I love the fact that you are looking at the inner life of our students to help them attain success rather than merely stuffing them with ideas from the outside. Strategies from the outside will not work without inner change. – Carol Pavan, Chair & Faculty, Counseling, West Valley College, CA
I got so much out of this workshop both professionally and personally. I loved the activities and how they were facilitated and can’t wait to use what I have been taught. Thank you for the gift that you are sharing with educators all over the country. – Amy Merkel, Counselor, Santa Rosa Junior College, CA
So many times when I attend workshops, I don’t get enough concrete strategies for helping students. That isn’t the problem with “On Course.” I have so many ideas to take home, I’ll have trouble choosing where to begin. – Sharon Allen, Student Support Services (TRIO), Eastern Arizona College, AZ
This has been the best workshop that I have ever been to. I enjoyed every aspect of it. After most workshops/conferences, I go back to my office and stuff everything in my file cabinet. After this workshop, I plan to keep my workshop book handy! – Mara Garcia, CCRAA Counselor, South Texas College, TX
I liked that the workshop so effectively supports me in creating the optimum learning strategies for my students. The workshop was transformational for me. – Donna Factor, Faculty, Foreign Languages, El Camino College, CA
The time flew by at OCII because I was totally engaged. I left feeling satisfied and stretched, sometimes out of my comfort zone. Thank you! – Inna Newbury, Faculty, English, El Camino College, CA
The camaraderie was amazing. People bonded, shared, listened, and interacted at a very deep level. As a result, I took risks that I might not have done otherwise. What a well-designed experience you gave us! Thank you. – Tere Francis, Academic Specialist, Doane College, NE
I didn’t really come to be inspired, but I am leaving with my soul, my “self,” and my professional life revitalized. – Sue Palmer, Faculty, English & College-Wide Coordinator, Success Strategies, Brevard Community College FL
I know this is the BEST workshop I have ever attended in terms of relating to me professionally and personally and sending me home inspired and questing. – Dorothy Ulkcak, Counselor, Palo Alto College, CA
I had a wonderful, transformative experience professionally and personally. – Cassandra Gomez-Abshire, Academic Program Coordinator, University of California SF-Fresno, CA
I liked the organization, delivery, workshop book, mix of group and solo activities, discussions of implementation, and new ways to empower student learning. Thank you for making such a significant contribution to education! You have really made a difference in the way I view teaching. – Janis Stevenson, Faculty, Music, Foothill College, CA
I loved every minute of these four days. I like that I feel rejuvenated and can now go back to my college and spread the information and my enthusiasm. I admire your commitment to student success and your ability to guide other educators to be empowered to improve their ability to do the same with their students. – Luisa Fuller, Faculty, Writing and Study Skills, Mount San Antonio College, CA
OCII was another incredible experience with a multitude of personal and professional growth opportunities and sharing. I truly appreciate the attention paid to details and the retreat-like environment. The optional evening session was awesome! Thank you! – Dana Kuehn, Counselor, Florida Community College, FL
This is one of the best workshops I have ever attended. Why? 1) New ideas on how to engage students. 2) New materials to give to students. – Maureen Froehlich, Bow Valley College, Canada
My father always said if you’re going to do the job right, you need the right tools. If that’s so, then the On Course workshop is the Home Depot of student success workshops. – Jerry Cellilo, Counselor, Foothill College, CA
I’ve now attended six On Course retreats. Each time I learned great strategies for helping both my students and me be more successful. I plan to come back again. – Marcia Backos, Faculty, Developmental Studies, Bryant and Stratton College, OH
The workshop has an elegant structure. So clear. The pace is excellent. A chance to make deep connections with people. I love having review incorporated into the body of the workshop. Congruent: content, philosophy, delivery. You practice what you preach. – Selene Aitken, Counselor, TRIO, Southern Oregon University
Everything we learned was practical, professionally and personally. Skip Downing is an incredible model for teachers at any level. – Shara Curry, Chairperson, Teacher Education, Grace College, IN
The entire workshop exceeded my highest expectations. It was truly enriching, and both my students and I will be all the better for it. – Karene Brodie, Counselor, University of Pennsylvania, PA
This workshop addressed the whole person, not just the teacher (counselor, etc.). I have come away with concrete ways, not just theories, to interact with the whole student. This is a gift to be opened again and again and again. – Peggy Jennings, Faculty, English, Valencia Community College, FL
Thanks for a wonderful 4 days. Your OCI and OCII workshops have had a profound effect on my teaching career and personal life as well. After 35 years of teaching, it is pretty neat to be energized and eager to know that there is so much more to learn. Your workshops have helped me realize my own uniqueness and creativity as a teacher and person and have the courage to express it in the classroom. I know that I am a much better instructor now than ever in my career. I am sensitive to my students’ learning and constantly seeking ways to make the material I am presenting interactive with my students. That is a huge paradigm shift for me and at such a late stage in my career as well. – Phil Sienna, Faculty, Health and Physical Education, Mission College, CA
I loved the incredible variety of activities. All learning styles were addressed, and the activities promoted discovery learning. The follow-ups–journaling, group reflection, etc.–were also well planned and effective. – Lydia Williams, Counselor, Harford Community College, MD
I’ve now attended four of your workshops…. they are the most helpful workshops I have attended in my 28 years of teaching. They have helped me grow both as a person and as a teacher. I feel rejuvenated. – William Nordai, Faculty, Mathematics, Harrisburg Area CC, PA
I want to express my gratitude for your creation of On Course, and your desire to help educators deliver their courses effectively, empowering students to learn. It was the first conference/training I have ever been to that I learned something during every minute. It is the best training I have ever been to. I look forward to seeing you again in the On Course II Workshop. – Elaine Piparo, Counselor, Foothill College, CA
The workshop was all I hoped for and more! I am excited about all of the ideas I have to implement with my students. Your materials, text, workshop are all fantastic! – Regenia Massey, Director, Student Support Services (TRIO), Mountain Empire Community College, VA
I wish I had attended this workshop long ago. For years I was looking for teaching strategies that would work. I now have tools to use that will work for me personally and for my students. – Kim Pham, Faculty, Mathematics, West Valley College, CA
You have changed my life. Never before have I felt so deeply changed. This was unlike any workshop I have attended–and I have been to many. Thank you! Signed, The new “On Course” Margaret Manning. – Margaret Manning, Faculty, English, Bradley Academy, PA
Really excellent content…practical, interesting, challenging. Presented in an active, engaging, fun manner with a high degree of engagement and participation. Facilitated superbly. You could do a wonderful seminar on facilitating groups and teams. – Chris Page, Faculty, Social Sciences, Madison Area Technical College, WI
The knowledge I gained in this OCII workshop is invaluable! – Alice Osborne, Director, Student Support Services, Mississippi Valley State University, MS
I liked every unit, and I so appreciated the flow from group to individual activities. It always felt as though time flew by. This workshop was unlike any other conference I’ve ever attended. – Janis Dwyer, Counselor, Pasadena City College, CA
Thank you for teaching the most enjoyable workshop I have ever taken in my 52 years. My husband asked me every day how the course was going and I told him I was having the time of my life. I could not pay anyone enough money to get what I got from attending the optional session. – Nelly Cardinale, Faculty, Computer Applications, Brevard Community College, FL
Thank you for sharing your thoughtful work with us. So carefully planned and organized. Constant motion–changing seats, grouping, pairing, standing up. Those seemingly long sessions flew by. The growth over the four days. The continually feeling more connected to the group. I also appreciate the way you stepped back and let the experience happen in us. – Jenny Koster, Faculty, English, Piedmont Virginia Community College, VA
I liked the integration of personal/professional life–the idea that you need to know yourself to be able to help students. I liked specific strategies that would work personally or for students. The time flew by! – Susan Sandmeier, LOC Coordinator, Columbia Basin College, WA
You’ve relit my fire. I’ve been an “in the trenches” person in the classroom, which I love. I now have a bigger vision. Thank you for having a tremendous multiplier effect on changing lives! You have touched thousands!!!! – Stephanie Sivak, Instructional Specialist/Upward Bound, Northern Arizona University, AZ
Thank you for this incredible workshop that empowers us emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. Thank you for being a role model of superb teaching. – Natalia Menendez, Faculty, English, Foothill College, CA
This starts my 26th year of full-time teaching at JSCC, and, after this workshop, I am more POSITIVE about this fall semester than I have been in many years. – Mary Wadley, Faculty, Spanish, Jackson State Community College, TN
This was another wonderful learning experience in a beautiful, serene setting. I leave today with fond memories of this experience, filled with a multitude of OCII ideas which I can implement on my campus. – Pat Parks, Counselor, Reading Area Community College, PA
Our college needed to be empowered with a shot of enthusiasm for our upcoming student success course. This workshop fits that bill beautifully. – Tammy Russell, Director of Institutional Research, Glen Oaks Community College, MI
The workshop provided me with countless ideas that I want to share with my students. I learned not only about strategies to help my students but also strategies for me to use throughout my life. – Tahira Aziz, Counselor, Rutgers University, NJ
You gave us time, mentoring, resources…and a great opportunity to grow during OCII! Thanks for your passion, vision and practicality! – Karen Anderson, Faculty, Science, Madison Area Technical College, WI
The workshop leader, Dr. Skip Downing, is a fountain of ideas on challenging students to take responsibility for their own academic success. This workshop attracts people who care about their students and are fun to be with. – David Munn, Faculty, Science, The Ohio State University-ATI, OH
So many times I’ve attended workshops and left wondering how I could implement the theories presented. But this workshop answered the “What shall I do on Monday morning” in hundreds of different ways. – Andrienne Peek, Faculty, English, Modesto Junior College, CA
I loved this workshop! – Nathan Conkle, Faculty, Sierra College, CA
Wonderful!! Excellent and relevant content. The experience was fulfilling and rewarding. I have so much to share with students. – Bev Wilcox, Faculty, Speech/English and Co-Facilitator Leadership Development, Allegany College of Maryland, MD
I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to participate and learn with you and this group. Bless you and thank you! – Cathy Wolters, Residence Life Facilitator, Lakeland College, Alberta, Canada
“On Course” goes further to enhance self-responsibility (my own, as well as my students’) than any other approach I have encountered in the 15 years I have been working with young people. I am so enthusiastic that I have persuaded our campus to bring Skip Downing to campus to do an On Course training for our faculty, especially those who teach first-year orientation courses. – Steve Wilkins, Student Support Services, Eastern Kentucky University, KY
This workshop has provided me with insight into my role as an educator and how I can influence the success of my students through helping them learn to make better choices. – Denise Pope, Faculty, Nursing, Howard University, DC
Your passion and enthusiasm about how to help people be “On Course” is amazing. I’m reminded of a hair commercial–He told a friend, then the friend told a friend and so on. Word of this workshop is spreading and will continue to. God bless. – Caroline Kutash, Faculty, Science, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Empowering my students with the On Course principles will impact their roles in leading our country back to the level of respect we in America have valued in the past. – Shelia May, Faculty, Healthcare and Office Administration, Guilford Technical Community College, NC
You demonstrated an excellent understanding of the relationship between teaching/learning as well as the relationship between the teacher/learner. You are an excellent teacher. – Martha Rodriquez, EOP&S Director, West Hills Community College, CA
I’m a first-year teacher. I changed professions last summer, and I went to work at IVCC. Through this workshop, I have been empowered to help students through different styles of learning. – Jim Dresbach, Faculty, English, Illinois Valley Community College, IL
A personal thank you for making this workshop so much more than I imagined. It went deeper than any skills workshop I have ever attended and made me realize once again that effective teaching is built on a solid foundation of self-discovery. This workshop was truly a gift. – Kathleen Cronin, Counselor, American River College, CA
I appreciated the focus on practical, effective and realistic methods, as well as the safe, supportive but HONEST environment. – Martin Young, Faculty, Philosophy, El Camino College, CA
I liked learning so many hands-on active-learning based strategies that I can easily adapt in my classroom. Thank you for four informative days–this has been a useful experience for me. – Ben Sloan, Faculty, English, Piedmont Virginia Community College, VA
Not only did this workshop change how I’ll do my job, but it also changed how I’ll do my life. – Carma Horner, Retention Specialist, University of Pittsburgh-Bradford, PA
I loved everything! I want more so I will go on the On Course II Workshop! Thanks for a life-changing experience. – Kim M. Smith, Director, Student Support Services, The Victoria College, TX
The OCII workshop is fabulous and I learned a lot not only about teaching others but about myself as well. Well facilitated! I’m glad that you are so gentle and yet willing to softly confront us. – Elizabeth Wynia, Faculty, Communications, Sisseton Wahpeton Community College, SD
I really needed this to refresh and rejuvenate professionally. I am looking forward to attend the On Course II Workshop and the National Conference in the near future. Thank you for the empowering experience and strategies. – Faith Litchock-Morellato, Assistant Director, Learning Support, Suffolk University, MA
I have attend a lot of workshops and conferences and this has by far been the very best. – Bethaney Weber, Faculty, Sociology, Mayland Community College, NC
This is one of the few times I have left a workshop rejuvenated, relaxed and hungry for more. Now I have lesson plans to revisit. Thanks for the additional work (and I mean it)! The optional evening session was a life-changing experience. – Aggie Harrell, Counselor, Montgomery College, MD
This workshop was life changing for me. I liked all of the practical tools that I can take back to my students. I now have the tools to make my good intentions possible This workshop far exceeded my expectations. – Dixie Budke, Faculty, Personal Development, Santa Barbara City College, CA
The workshop is amazingly well organized with smooth transitions from one area to the next. It is obvious that many behind-the-scene hours have gone into developing and redeveloping this seminar. It must truly be a “labor of love.” – Mariel York, Faculty, Science, Queen Anne School, VA
I am grateful that I received all I had anticipated from this workshop. I have many new strategies to use with the students and myself, so my life and those I touch will be richer. Thank you! – Peggy Underwood, Director, Academic Counseling Center, Grace College, IN
You have organized powerful educational strategies around essential, important topics. This information will change me as an educator, and I thank you for your guidance and commitment. It is obvious that it comes from your heart. – Linda Hutchcroft, Faculty, Language Arts, Southeastern Community College, IA
This [On Course II Workshop] was a great way for me to go into my fall semester refreshed and energized. I feel I have changed in some subtle way over the course of the past four days. – Ben Sloan, Faculty, English, Piedmont Virginia Community College, VA
Best conference I have ever attended! Skip is very generous in the sharing of his ideas, techniques, strategies, and handouts. There was such great energy among the attendees. This experience was a real boost. – Laurel Aagaard, Faculty, Computer Information Systems, Sierra College, CA
I appreciated the practical nature of the strategies and the “double barreled” approach–content/process and strategies/applications! – Ralph Wold, Coordinator, Learning Assistance Center, Olds College, Alberta, Canada
I found this workshop to be an excellent experience and plan on using what I’ve learned with my students, myself, my kids, my spouse, my friends, etc. – Kara Keen Johnson, HCOP Counselor/SI Supervisor, Eastern Kentucky University, KY
This workshop has changed the way I view responsibility personally and professionally…. I am committed to implementing the case studies that teach personal responsibility and interdependence. – Rodney Redmond, Faculty, English, Montgomery College, MD
You have a very exceptional ability to concretize abstractions into useable activities. This workshop is inspired! – Lisa Donato, Freshman Center Director, Essex County College, NJ
This workshop took me on a journey that I never thought was possible. Thank you for this amazing experience! It has had a positively profound impact on my life both personally and professionally. – Julie Loppacher, Academic Advisor, University of Maine, ME
This was the best thing that could have happened to our college! I have attended other events and went away with nothing. By attending this workshop, I not only learned new techniques to use in my work but also in my personal life. – Debbee Reichert, Disability Resource Specialist, Madison Area Technical College, WI
The workshop incorporated the perfect blend of ingredients to produce a quality outcome for me. I loved the combined elements of consistency and surprise! Thank you for helping us stretch our hearts as well as our minds! – Gail Janecka, Counselor, The Victoria College, TX
This workshop was one big “Aha!” moment for me. With each new topic I learned strategies to teach my students, and I kept finding levels within myself that need to be re-taught responsibilities and motivation–levels I’ve been too afraid to dive into for a long time. It was so much more effective to participate in the strategies rather than just hear about them. I began to feel empowered myself. – Elizabeth Nicolello, Coordinator, Learning Enhancement, Marymount College, CA
This workshop has met and exceeded my expectations. I liked everything, especially how well organized it is and how interesting…the variety in the activities. You have done an excellent job keeping us on-task and motivated! Thank you! – Gabriela Arnsdorf, Faculty, ESL, Butte College, CA
This was one of the best and most useful workshops I’ve ever been to. – Paula Mikowicz, Faculty, Mathematics, Howard Community College, MD
I really enjoyed the interactive nature of the workshop. We were taught through experiential learning and in the process we also created new relationships with colleagues. The entire process encouraged relationship building and integration of the strategies into our own areas. – Cindy Walker, Instructional Specialist, Chaffey College, CA
This workshop surpassed every expectation that I had. It helped me to develop life-skills so that I can in turn guide my students toward self-discovery. I came away with practical exercises and methods to help get at the core of how to help students succeed in life. – Sherry Hull, Coordinator, Academic Counseling Services, Mt. Carmel School of Nursing, OH
I appreciate all of the concrete examples and exercises I can use in class! Thank you for giving a quality and worthwhile workshop! I cannot think of ways to improve it. – Eileen Matthews, Grant MacEwan College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
When I do a presentation, I do not like comments that say, “No improvement needed.” But with all honesty, I found the total workshop very enjoyable. You (Skip) are affecting teachers like me who may have been skeptical. – Karl Ting, Faculty, Mathematics, Mission College, CA
I love the interaction and the hands-on creation by the OCII design teams. Thanks for so many wonderful teaching strategies and alternatives to just plain lecture. I love your wonderful information! – Joyce Roundtree-McCoy, Academic Counselor, Mississippi Valley State University, MS
This workshop is life changing! I came for academic answers to problems about motivating students; I came away spiritually refreshed, academically stimulated, and challenged in all areas of my life. – Becky Dresselhaus, Counselor, Cascade College, OR
We covered so many great activities in this workshop. I feel full to the brim with new ideas and yet I am not overwhelmed at all! The On Course Workshop book is extremely well organized and every single page contains wonderful and useful information. I experienced many “Aha!” moments that I will treasure. – Sarah Hadmack, Faculty, Religion, Windward Community College, HI
This workshop is excellent: exciting, informative, fun, enlightening, energizing, and stimulating. – Dora Mae Esty, Faculty, Reading, Pearl River Community College, MS
I was afraid the conference would be too “touchy feely,” but you provided the right approach to make it a hands-on training with great value. I will definitely recommend it to others! – Ann Suzuki, Coordinator, Learning Center, University of California, CA
I am going to adapt all of my courses to reflect many of the strategies demonstrated at this workshop. I know I’ll be a better teacher. – Orlando Correa, Faculty, Psychology, Harford Community College, MD
This was a fabulous learning experience. It is one of the very best workshops I’ve ever been to (and I’ve been to MANY). It was not only wonderfully helpful on how to help and motivate students, but on how to improve myself. – Paul Lineback, Counselor, Student Support Services (TRIO), Southwestern Oregon Community College, OR
This workshop has meant so much to me on many levels–for my work and my life. And the work you have done is an invaluable model for me as an educator! – Katie O’Brien, Faculty, English, Rio Hondo College, CA
The On Course I and On Course II Workshops are the best educational experience I have had in the last 10 years. – Sharon Osburg, Faculty, English, El Camino College, CA
Skip, you are terrific as a presenter–logical, clear, authentic–and you kept us on course. The workshop gave me a boost of energy and knowledge to bring back to my college, to help improve the quality of education for students. – Ken Gaines, Counselor, Cerritos College, CA
This workshop has really been an eye-opener in my life. It is life altering. I am committed to sharing with my students these empowering techniques. – Annette Gibson, Faculty, Nursing, Miami-Dade Community College, FL
I appreciated the depth and quality of each element of the workshop. Each session offered learning opportunities which included theory, application, and reflection on our own desired outcomes. – Janis Cornell-DeMoss, Academic Advisor, University of Maryland, MD
I was impressed by the superb organization and flow, the handouts and workbook, the processing of each element, the new confidence and self-awareness I have, and the closeness I feel to my colleagues in this workshop. Everything exceeded my expectations! – Rachel Lowenberg, Faculty, ESL, Mission College, CA
I appreciated the excellent organization and support materials, the variety of activities, and the usefulness of the strategies. This workshop was exactly what I hoped it would be and the best I’ve been to in 20 years. – Jan McMannis, Academic Counselor, University of Pittsburgh, PA
I’m leaving with innumerable ideas to implement in my class. It has been a teacher’s heaven! I’m grateful and appreciative. – Louise Walkup, Faculty, Humanities and FYE, Three Rivers Community College, CT
I would say there is not one strategy from this workshop that I wouldn’t use. It was wonderful and reignited my enthusiasm from the [On Course] National Conference…beyond my expectations – Carol Koris, Chair of Arts and Science, Johnson and Wales University, FL
I cannot wait to use some of the strategies in my biology classes, especially labs. What I learned can be applied not only in the classroom but in my everyday life. I highly recommend this workshop to other educators, and I will undoubtedly take an On Course II Workshop. – Nina Barcenas, Faculty, Science, Heritage University, WA
The On Course Workshops, both I and II, are the most beneficial trainings I have ever participated in. I am leaving with so many tools & such insight. Thank you! – Mary Parthemer, Director, Trio Learning Center, Lane Community College, OR
Thank you for making me a better teacher. The content was on-point and it covered most of the types of barriers to learning that I encounter. – Gregory Walker, Faculty, Anatomy and Physiology, El Camino College Compton Center, CA
I have been to numerous workshops/conferences, but I have never attended one so well planned/organized. I have concrete information to take home and actually implement in the classroom. What I didn’t expect was how much I learned about myself both personally and professionally. This workshop has given me the tools to reach my goals! It has made a huge impact on my life. – Patricia O’Rourke-Andrews, Summer Bridge Director, Humboldt State University, CA
Only time will tell for sure if it’s true, but I believe personally that this was a life-changing workshop. – Carol Wilson, Faculty, English, Mission College, CA
We got many fabulous ideas and strategies for helping our students achieve success, we were encouraged to practice those ideas on ourselves, and we were able to commit to how we would implement what we learned. So often I leave a workshop and am missing that last piece–commitment. I know I will teach my students strategies for getting on course and subsequently staying on course because I have committed to do so. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity for growth in both my personal and professional life. – Joan Youngman, Regional Project Director, Vermilion Community College, MN
I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. As a reading specialist teaching basic skills courses, I feel that each of the On Course strategies will be valuable for my students’ success. – John A Garcia, Faculty, Basic English, College of the Canyons, CA
The workshop was fabulous! I’m very glad that you are doing what you’re doing. I hope more people learn to value educating the whole person. It is refreshing to hear research and support for things that I know in my heart to be true. – Dana Crotwell, Faculty, English, El Camino College, CA
The focus is much deeper than I expected. We can all “teach” study skills, but can we facilitate/coach life “success”? I was challenged to focus on the process we and our students go through to reach our goals and realize our dreams. – Susan Martin, Counselor, Carroll County Community College, MD
This is an excellent workshop! Every instructor should have to take it! Your strategies for making wise choices have already made a difference for me…and will for my family and students! – Lori Collier, Faculty, Art, Lassen Community College, CA
I came to the On Course II Workshop with high hopes for learning more strategies to improve my life, personally as well as professionally. I’m leaving with a binder full of practical ideas, tools, book titles, reflections, and hope. Although I have a bit more luggage to take home, it feels lighter, easier to carry, more promising. I can’t wait to unpack. Thanks for another incredible experience–inside and out. – Marilyn Wegner, Coordinator, Student Support Services, University of Maine, ME
This was a great learning environment, and you presented an awful lot of practical strategies to use in my personal as well as professional life. On a scale of 1-10, I rate the overall value I received from the workshop as a 15. – Deborah Rayner, Faculty, Computer Science, Harford Community College, MD
I’m not a teacher, but I had no problem using information directed to them and relating most of it to my role at the college. I’m so pleased for the opportunity to be here. Your presentation was wonderful, and I thank you for the chance to use these teachings. – Susan Deutschman, Admissions and Records, Cerritos College, CA
This workshop gave me more insight into how to help students and be more successful as a teacher than anything I’ve ever taken. – Kathleen Wessman, Faculty, Business, Montgomery College, MD
I came away with literally hundreds of creative ideas. However, my TRIO students weren’t the only winners. Dr. Downing’s workshop was truly a personal retreat. This workshop is unique and one that I will think back on over and over. – Sherry Klisz, Director, Student Support Services (TRIO), Madonna University, MI
The workshop gave me many ideas to work with students in my math classes. I liked the way you modeled each strategy. The case studies were extremely valuable to me. – Jenny Penniman, Faculty, Mathematics, Howard Community College, MD
This is the most powerful workshop I’ve ever attended. Thank you for your commitment to creating and sharing On Course! – Yolanda Coleman, Counselor, Mission College, CA
I was quite skeptical about how useful this would be in a foreign language class where I try to stay in the target language. However, I have discovered many ways to effectively use strategies in my class. I am looking forward to helping my students succeed! – Mary D. Bell, Faculty, Foreign Languages, Foothill College, CA
This OCII has been the best workshop yet!! – Marcia Backos, Program Director, Bryant & Stratton College, OH
This workshop inspired me both professionally and personally. It instilled in me a sense of rejuvenation. Now I’m truly on course. – Brenda Lopez, Student Development, College of St. Elizabeth, NJ
I am tremendously impressed with the presentation and the organization of the workshop. I am sure it will help me personally and professionally. – Robert Schofield, Faculty, Mathematics, Lassen College, CA
I am amazed at how many new strategies were modeled and experienced. I am walking away with a renewed sense of purpose. – Janet Perez, Faculty, Student Success, NC Rehabilitation Center for the Blind, NC
This group of strangers was blended/bonded/transformed into a rare team. I feel as if I know these folks better than many I have worked with for years. – Karen Young, Director, Counseling, Wesley College, DE
I loved the manner in which all the strategies were molded into a comprehensive workshop. We were able to experience the strategies as we learned them. – Josell Gatrell, Faculty, Computer Science, Anne Arundel Community College, MD
The workshop leader has a gift in his ability to keep people on task towards the goals of better teaching while including many diverse styles of instruction. – Sharon Osburg, Faculty, English, El Camino College, CA
Your workshop has given me greater motivation and valuable tools to impact the way we do business. – Peter Fong, Dean of Admissions, Cerritos College, CA
I’ve never spent so much time outside of the workshop still discussing the workshop. Other participants and I continued to discuss our insights, impressions, etc., into the wee hours of the night. – Karen Gallagher, EOF Recruiter, Gloucester County College, NJ
You should go to sleep peacefully at night knowing you so positively affect and influence so many lives. – Barbara Jaffe, Faculty, English, El Camino College, CA
Thank you for this wonderful, life-changing experience. It was just the jolt of energy I needed to get back in the race! – Rachel Phillips, Coordinator of TRIO Academic and Retention Services, Heartland Community College, IL
I can’t say enough positive about the total workshop. I am so glad that I was a part of this experience! – Karen Stachowiak, Counselor, Illinois Valley Community College, IL
Once again, as was the case after attending On Course I, this workshop [On Course II] will change the way I teach. In both instances, I left the workshop feeling more confident as an educator because I realized anew what is really important in my relationship with students. – Ginny Reiner, Director of the Learning Center, College of St. Elizabeth, NJ
The workshop not only taught the “what’s” and “why’s,” but focused on the “How to” which was extremely worthwhile and valuable. – Sara Long, Director, Student Support Services, Mississippi County Community College, AR
This workshop was magic, pure magic. There’s just no other way to describe it. I learned more about myself than I could have ever imagined. This is not only a very liberating thing for me but it will also help me serve my students better! An unforgettable experience! – Amanda Clements, Listo Program, College of the Sequoias, CA
This has been a wonderful personal and professional development experience for me. The structure was excellent. A good combination of presentation, group activities, individual work, and use of media worked to keep the energy level high. – Kaye Young, Coordinator, Student Learning Center, Jamestown Community College, NY
I have been looking for a workshop or class of this nature for the past three years. I can’t wait to attend the On Course II Workshop. – Constance Miller, Faculty, Nursing, Miami-Dade Community College, FL
Every component of the On Course Workshop was great. The structure was appealing. I dislike group work, but you made it fun. – Jose Lowe, Counselor, New Jersey City University, NJ
I never before walked away from a training thinking I found a whole brand new approach. – Jesse Rutschman, Coordinator, TRIO (SSS), Northeastern Illinois University, IL
I can feel the thought and preparation behind this workshop. I liked the organization…content…chance to develop my own ideas…and the number of useful ideas I am going home with. – Rachel Waite, Faculty, Humanities, Valencia Community College, FL
I loved every moment of it, truly. The best workshop I’ve ever taken. It relates to my work and personal life with incredibly useful exercises. – Donne Davis, High School Outreach Counselor, Foothill College, CA
This workshop has been so helpful!! I’m excited to try these strategies in my class – Sarah Simmons, Faculty, Chemistry, Glen Oaks Community College, MI
I can’t think of a darn thing that could be improved–that’s how superb OCII was. The optional evening session […] was a huge AHA that may change my life! – Marianne Auten, Counselor, Paradise Valley Community College, AZ
The workshop material was excellent, but more importantly, the seamless presentation/transitions/directions made me more able to focus on the material and personal reflections. Thank you! – Ann Smith, Disability Coordinator, University of Maine, ME
I loved the sense of community and the experiences of sharing and exchanging ideas with an outstanding group of dedicated educators. From the bottom of my heart, I’d like to thank you for my experiences and a better understanding of myself. – Lou Labuski-Brown, Learning Center Director, Mansfield University, PA
This has been an extraordinary experience…. My soul thanks you. – June Bond, Counselor, Essex Community College, MD
I appreciated your continual, thoughtful commitment to creating a powerful and transforming educational experience for participants. Your attention to each detail made me feel valued. I love having the workbook, bibliography, and other resources. – Ray Charland, Counselor, Mission College, CA
I want you to know how much this material has changed my life and helped me change the lives of my students. Thank you! – Linda Clegg, Faculty, English, Cerritos College, CA
Thank you so much. For years I was trying to design a curriculum like this. I did an ok job, but On Course was the perfect supplement to my work. [The facilitator] did an excellent job of moving us seamlessly from one learning activity to another. He was a perfect example of “practicing what you preach.” – Eric Shager, Dual Credit Instructor, Madison College, WI
This workshop helped rejuvenated me professionally and personally. I learned new ways to motivate and encourage students, I recharged my batteries, and I learned new strategies that I have applied to my own life. – Patty Scott, Director, Student Support Services (TRIO), Southwestern Oregon Community College, OR
I had a wonderful, thought provoking, and fulfilling time. I promise I will use all of the wisdom that you shared with us to help me and my students have a better life. – Dale Barz, Counselor, South Suburban College, IL
Skip, you do a great job of modeling. The workshop itself is learner-centered, and I really liked the number and variety of activities. – Al Vos, English and Faculty Master, Binghamton University, NY
This is by far the best workshop I have attended. I actually learned something!. – Keeley Copridge, Advisor, TRIO, University of Louisville, KY
This OCII workshop was a gift I gave to myself. – Mardie Walker, Learning Community Mentor, Baltimore City Community College, MD
You offered very concrete and practical exercises which allowed us to make “Aha’s!” about ourselves. I am excited about taking this information back to my campus. – Armando Soto, Counselor, EOP&S, Cerritos College, CA
This is the best, most focused, useful, well-run workshop I have ever attended. – Joanna Brandt, Faculty, College Success, Baltimore City Community College, MD
I thought this workshop was absolutely amazing. I will recommend it to all of my colleagues. – Lynn Loudermilk, Educational Advisor, South East Alabama Education Outreach Center, AL
I’m excited to use what I have learned! – Allison Devaney, Faculty, English, El Camino College, CA
I appreciate the trust that we were able to develop so quickly with one another because of the learning environment that you created and protected. I also appreciate your modeling of how to achieve this environment. Thank you! – Mary Mar, Director of Learning Services, Colby-Sawyer College, NH
I came away with many great ideas to use with my students. Thank you for modeling ways to use collaborative activities that I can actually use and for modeling ways to create community in the classroom. – Sandy Elbaum, Faculty, ESL and Composition, Truman College, IL
Before the workshop, I was feeling very disillusioned and discouraged in my professional life. Now I won’t give up and look towards retirement. I’m embracing the passion. Nothing will stop me now. I have momentum. “Ignite the fire, don’t retire” is my new motto. – Kira Bishop, Counselor, Valencia Community College, FL
To put what I have gained from these two workshops into words is very difficult. I have a friend who says, if you can’t put it into words, IT MUST REALLY BE SOMETHING and the words wouldn’t do it justice anyway! I have used the term Life Altering Experience with anyone I speak to about this event and that is what it has been for me. – Cinnamon Martin, Advisor, Willkes Community College, NC
Thank you for such beautiful experiences you have brought into my life and the experiences I will be able to share/teach my students. I will definitely recommend this workshop to other educators. – Maria Garcia-Scheper, Counselor, West Valley College, CA
This workshop provides many practical strategies for me to help students to achieve their success and for me to organize myself better. – Yu-Chung Chang, Faculty, Mathematics, Pasadena City College, CA
You have created a workshop that, in my 25 years of professional development, is by far the best experience I’ve ever had. – Jennifer Meehl, Academic Advisor, Landmark College, VT
You have profoundly changed me for the better. My family friends, colleagues, and students will get a better me. – Mary Turner, Counselor, Oklahoma City Community College, OK
The workshop has an efficient, purposeful flow, and excellent active learner strategies are modeled. I got so many ideas, I can’t wait to create, plan, design and implement my ideas!! – Barbara Lutz, Faculty, Education, Penn State University, PA
I will use many of these activities to enrich my class environment. I came here to find again the “spark” in teaching…and I did! – C.J. Phillips, Faculty, Reading, Santa Fe Community College, NM
Each and every piece of information, activity and discussion is a valuable tool for my own life as well as my students. – Koshu Jagasia, Faculty, English, Illinois Valley Community College, IL
Skip, The level of trust you role-modeled and encouraged, along with the expectations you promote are the elements that allowed me to risk myself more at On Course II. I was more willing to walk through and into the room rather than watch from the back of the room with a bullet proof vest. – Tammy Pratt, Assistant Director of Counseling & Academic Support, University of Missouri-Rolla, MO
I appreciated the instructor’s unflagging energy and commitment to our learning and success which modeled true learner-centered instruction so well. Thank you for the opportunity to attend this inspiring workshop. – Wayne Nelson, Strive Learning Specialist, Holyoke Community College, MA
This was the best workshop I have ever attended. I had a great time, and I’m looking forward to attending On Course II. – Florence Andrews, Associate Director, Upward Bound, Eastern Michigan University, MI
The variety of the workshop activities beautifully modeled how strategies could be implemented with students. The strategies we learned in this workshop can not only help us to become better educators, but better people also. – Ingrid Scott, Faculty, Mathematics, Montgomery College, MD
The time went by so fast. There was time to do reflecting and application. Your attitude about sharing what you know was selfless. You wanted us to have whatever we could use that you have spent years collecting, learning, and testing. – Sidney Morgan, Faculty, Physical Therapy Assistant, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, OK
What I liked about the workshop was the practicality of everything that was presented. Oh, to have had much of this knowledge earlier! – Mary Black, Faculty, Mathematics & Student Success, Illinois Valley Community College, IL
I am excited that I learned so many active learning strategies. This workshop provided first-hand experience of both how to use the strategies and how effective they can be. Thank you for providing the many active learning tools that I can implement immediately in my class. – Sylvia Tran, Counseling Faculty, College of the Canyons, CA
This experience is beyond any I have experienced in my professional life. I liked the interaction, sharing of ideas, and the trust that was built among the participants. Thank you! – Alice J. Osborne, Director, Student Support Services Mississippi Valley State University, MS
As a counselor, I spend my time helping others and often lose sight of the importance of helping myself. This workshop reminds me how important it is for me to help and nurture myself which not only provides many benefits for me but for my students as well. – Jamin Totino, Counselor, Adirondack Community College, NY
This OCII workshop was a memorable, life changing experience. – Inna Newbury, Faculty, Humanities, El Camino College, CA
I learned, I grew, I feel empowered. – Peggy Walton, Faculty, English, Howard Community College, MD
This workshop was a great experience! Everything was well done. I used the metaphor that the workshop was like a black light–in total darkness, a black light turned on will make visible things that are not otherwise noticed. – Rickey Lee, Academic Advisor/Instructor, Arkansas State University, AR
This workshop transformed my professional and personal life. Your work and your energy flow with mine to enrich and create great possibilities in student success. – Susan Pitcher, TRIO Director, Bay de Noc Community College, MI
This was the most creative and effective workshop that I have ever attended. My toolbox of strategies is so full I just cannot wait to share these ideas!! I feel so fortunate to have been a part of this experience. – Teresa Hoercher, Coordinator of Tutorial Services, Cayuga Community College, NY
This workshop has taken a hardened, crusty educator and softened her once again to be committed and energized to become the best person and teacher that she can be. Thanks so much for all of your efforts and energy! – Chris Landrum, Counselor, Mineral Area College, MO
This workshop has helped me create the structure and specific activities that I plan to use this fall in early programming for the conditionally admitted students I work with. Thanks! – Linda Gnagey, Director, Academic Support Center, Eastern Mennonite University, VA
The planning, conception, and presentation of the workshop were all elegant. I liked the variety of activities and the continual combination of experience and exploration of how to use/adapt the strategy. I came away with more concrete ideas than I would ever have expected. I admire and appreciate the passion, commitment, and hard work–not to mention creativity–that you model. – Atossa Kramer, Faculty, Music, Berea College, KY
This workshop has been a gift to me and my colleagues that will stay with me for a long time. I liked the pace! I never felt overwhelmed with information. You gave us time to absorb ideas and “see” how they could work with students. Thank you. – Carol Burgage, Supervisor, Math/Science Center, Montgomery College, MD
Bravo! I walk away with new inspiration for my classes, new goals for myself personally, and a sense of inner calm. I also have pages of OCII ideas that translate back to my classroom. Students will benefit from everything I bring home to them. – Rachel Waite, Faculty, Humanities, Valencia Community College, FL
It was a great four days!! I commit to sharing this information with others at my institution. I also commit to sharing this knowledge with students through modeling and using the exercises for a hands on personal experience. – Susan Yeoman, Student Affairs Coordinator, Wright State University, OH
The workshop is extremely well organized in every aspect. Excellent model for a “well designed learning experience.” The process is impressive. It’s a transformational learning experience throughout. – Leslie Joan Allen, Faculty, Counseling, Career & Life Planning, Mt. Hood Community College, OR
What I liked best about the workshop is that I’m leaving with 25+ new strategies for use in my course next semester (honest!) – Karen Anderson, Faculty, Science, Madison Area Technical College, WI
This has been a wonderful educational experience, and I can truly say that my students and I will benefit from what I’ve learned here. Thanks for all of the interactive activities that enhance learning and critical thinking. – Joyce Roundtree-McCoy, Academic Counselor Mississippi Valley State University, MS
Thank you for a life changing experience. We have so many plans for the future of our students and our program because of On Course. – Carol Bartlett, Program Manager, Student Support Services/TRIO, University of New Mexico-Gallup, NM
The workshop renewed my excitement and creativity for teaching my student success course. I liked the rich activities that I had never heard of before. I know this workshop will have an impact on me professionally and personally for the rest of my life! – Cindra Kamphoff, Retention Coordinator, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC
My most favorite innovative growth and excitement come when I am at an On Course Workshop, and I am at my best when I constantly stay “on course” with work & play–check my dream, read the On Course book, do a 32-day commitment, etc. – Wendy Walsh, Student Life Coordinator, Lock Haven University, PA
The workshop is excellent. I got new ideas to improve my college success course, a renewed enthusiasm for my profession, and a new awareness about myself. – Marianne Auten, Counselor Paradise Valley Community College, AZ
Thanks for a great, stimulating and high value course/workshop. I am grateful – Kathy Thompson, Faculty, Science, Allegany College of Maryland, MD
I liked everything about this workshop. I am so thrilled I was given this opportunity. I feel empowered and want to share what I learned with my students and even my family. – Pat McCurdy, Faculty, Learning Skills Specialist, Cayuga Community College, NY
I really enjoyed this workshop! I especially appreciated the practical ideas that can be immediately implemented. I’ve been to workshops that feature many intriguing and creative ideas, but too many were fun or interesting but had little value in fostering change in students. You always made a connection to how your activities promote critical thinking, encourage commitment for change, and suggest positive next steps. This program will be used on our campus. – Barb Kirkwood, Associate Director, Group Academic Support, Indiana University Purdue University-Ft. Wayne, IN
I have been reminded of what is important in life. Thanks! – Iris Bucchino, Faculty, English & General Studies, New Hampshire Technical College, NH
I can’t believe how much I have grown personally and professionally through my participation in the two On Course Workshops…. Thank you for a truly life changing opportunity. – Kris Chatas, Faculty, Mathematics, Washtenaw Community College, MI
This has been the best and most useful professional development I have ever attended. – Tim Reeves, Faculty, Computer Information Systems, Lorain County Community College, OH
This On Course I Workshop was the best I have every attended. No joke! It was run so well: Excellent structure and activities. I typically really struggle with being able to sit still for long periods of time and I had no problems here, which is amazing! – Leslie Wilson, Director of Learning Services, Chestnut Hill College, PA
I am thrilled with both what and how I learned! – Jane Miller, Faculty, Health Sciences, Heartland Community College, IL
When I was considering attending an On Course I Workshop, I read hundreds of testimonials that said, “This is the best workshop I ever attended.” Now, all I can say is “ditto!” This workshop really is the best I’ve ever attended…and it’s the first where I’m actually going home with a plan for improving what I do to help students succeed. Also, it’s the first conference where I have received a certificate and I will actually hang it on my wall instead of filing it in the trash bin. – Kim Byrd, Director, Student Success, Casper College, WY
I am so grateful for this experience. I am leaving here filled with excellent ideas for integrating this wonderful work in my classroom. I feel happy about this. So many of my needs were met. – Jody Kamens, Coordinator, Learning Center, Jacksonville University, FL
This workshop was very beneficial–a great learning experience for me. Our faculty will surely benefit from this activity. – Jimmy Cheffin, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Madison College, WI
Excellent workshop. I enjoyed every session and have learned so many active learning strategies and tools that I will use and reuse through out my teaching career. – Beverly Hixon, Faculty, Student Success, Houston Community College, TX
This is the 2nd On Course I Workshop I’ve attended in two years and I would do it again if I could. – Patrick O’Brien, Coordinator, Professional Development, Palomar Community College, CA
Thank you for another great workshop! I can’t wait to use what I have learned [at On Course II]! – Heather Watson, Faculty, Health Science, Davidson County Community College, NC
I never leave [an On Course Workshop] without a shopping cart full of ideas and rich peaceful experience. – Maria O’Brien, Advisor, TRIO, SUNY Ulster, NY
I had a blast and learned volumes. I feel energized and passionate about using these strategies intentionally! Thank you for an amazing experience to grow professionally and personally. – Jen Vieley, Advisor, Student Success, Heartland Community College, IL