On Course is the #1 student success/FYE text in North America. It is used in courses at more than 500 colleges and universities, supporting the success of more than 100,000 students each year. At this site you can download syllabi created by On Course author, Dr. Skip Downing. In addition–thanks to the generosity of many On Course instructors–you’ll find a huge collection of syllabi for their On Course classes. These syllabi provide creative options for such things as course names, learning objectives, assignments, course rules, grading policies, rubrics, class calendars, college and classroom policies (e.g., disability, attendance, late work, academic integrity, civility), use of ancillaries for the text (e.g., MindTap, College Success Factors Index, Meyers-Briggs Type Inventory), online and hybrid applications, and more. Download free and enjoy!
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